I hate to be a shill for a retailer, but Rob Baer at Spikey Bits is a buddy and I have a lot of respect for the business he has built not once, but twice! Now you can cash in on a great sale.
Rob basically started the whole bits business with Battlewagon bits, sold it to the War Store and then started his own game store after working for Neal for a few years. Now with GW shutting down bits sellers (total bullshit GW move) Rob is getting rid of all the bits they have accumulated!
From Rob:
The BITS Fat Sack is Back! For Limited Time Only
That's right, the Fat Sack 'O Bits is back again, but time it's faster, stronger and cheaper!
Once again we ran out after just one day of sales this week, and caught some flack for raising the price, (to keep up with demand) so we had to go back to the drawing board
We spent the last few days planning out how to make these things better for everyone, and keep up with demand for this amazing limited time product without raising prices.
Introducing the "new and improved" SUPER FAT SACK o' BITS, but it's only available for a VERY limited time.
Checkout our new showcase video that goes over a few of the changes to the new sacks to help us keep up with everyone's demand.
We really appreciate the amazing response from everyone so far to the Fat Sacks!
We worked super hard putting these NEW bags together, and many Bothans died to produce a bits bag this powerful (packaged in a convenient resealable sack form).

Well now the darkness has come, and soon there will be no bits anywhere. Sure some people will try to get away with continuing to sell bits, but they are only fooling themselves. The resolve behind this directive of no breaking down product is pretty strong, and I suspect we have only scratched the surface of this malcontent.
I feel like for now, the only real way to keep the bits flowing may just be from these super bags stuffed with bountiful bits.
These new SUPER FAT SACKS are a personal hand selected mix of bits, drawn from the collection of every last bit in our warehouse to give you the best possible random mix of bits (in a timely and efficient manner) we could ever hope to stuff into one gargantuan mylar bag.
But wait, it doesn't stop there. I have even raided my personal collection of bits, which was whittled away in my dark closet of power hidden from the world- less they devour it with their mind numbing awesomeness.
Once again some of the best bits quite possibly ever made will now be available to the public anew. Most of these bits were plucked at the peak of bits perfection over many years at Battlewagon Bits and accumulated throughout twenty plus years of modeling projects, these bits are a very extension of myself and my company.
This is all I have left to offer a bits hungry public, and I pray it is enough.
They have been mixed to ensure (mostly) a great batch of kick ass bits in each bag. Included are bits from Orks to Guard to Marinez with everything in between- even some Fantasy treats.
Need another reason to pick up one of these amazing deals? TAKE $5 OFF each additional SUPER FAT SACK you buy this first week that they are on sale!
We had to raise the price of these because the first batch we had sold out in only one day!!!! Now the price is back to normal and we changed the format of the bags slightly... Hopefully we'll be able to keep up with the demand this time a little better.
Don't wait these bags are Limited Edition- because when the bits are gone that's it, forever.
Raise prices to keep up with demand? Typical capitalist BS
well, the Idea is... "if youre product is populare... why not charge more?"
the other side is... "if youre product is selling bad... go down with prices to highten demand"
wrong is to just do the one and never the other like GW does it
When demand goes up, prices go up. Pretty simple, and not out of bounds at all. Sorry you don't like it Karl Marx.
Half the stuff in my super fat sack still had price tags and bags. I paid $50, and got over $75-$85 in bits. This doesn't include small bits that'd I'd never actually buy, I'm talking medium and heavy weapons, off the sprue models, and half a soul grinder.
Yes, I got the top half of a soul grinder in my bag. Sans arms...
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