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very very dark skin... DARK ANGELS (or black templars) Dark millenium had some black templars in the original trailer
Of all the companies that could have picked this franchise up, Bioware (and by extension EA) was not one that I hoped for. Get ready for always online-microtransaction-poorly supported bonanza.
First founding chapter with dark skin would be salamanders. With dark armor could be dark angels, or raven guard. I'm glad someone is keeping this going.
I have the same fears.
Also, no Total War 40k = :(
Good new? The fact it is owned by EA now? Joy. Another series dead.
Well at least it's better than Disney. RIP THQ and Lucasarts!
Goddamnit guys. If you don't like it, don't buy EA games. Don't kill the buzz for the rest of us. Jesus.
Is no one going to get angry over the fact he said "Tao"? IT'S TAU DAMMIT. YOU'RE MEANT TO BE A FUCKING GAMING REPORTER. FUCKING SPELL LIKE IT.
A licence doesn't belong to the person licencing, when THQ went under, the licence ended and use of the IP reverted to GW, this whole story is junk
"A licence doesn't belong to the person licencing, when THQ went under, the licence ended and use of the IP reverted to GW, this whole story is junk"
This is true, last I heard the makers of total war had gained the rights for future games.
I used to be a Bioware fanboy, after Dragon Age 2 and SWTOR however, not so much. Not even bothered picking up Mass Effect 3 yet either, from what I can gather that was the right call.
Welp, I wonder how mediocre a game they can make out of Space Marine.
Not quite, Creative Assembly (the total war guys) have a licence for Warhammer Fantasy Battle, a seperate aggrement.
The studio that made all the recent 40K games (Dawn of War series and Space Marine) was Relic, they were owned by THQ but after that blew up, they were bought by Sega.
Who also own Creative Assembly.
Its up to Games Workshop to decide who to license 40K to, but as Relic have done so well in the past and are owned by the publisher that they just have the WFB license to, I'd say Relic would be the front runners for it, if they wanted it.
Perhaps this is talking about the half-finished MMO turned RPG-Shooter Dark Millenium, which was being developed by Vigil, who no one bid for, the license for their game would have returned to GW but any actuall work on it is probably lost now, THQ and Vigil have gone and GW wouldn't get the parts of the game that weren't thier IP.
Also, if they could mix it up a bit between Space Marine Chapters or even with the Guard that would be great.
:( EA have Warhammer 40k.... this is not good :(
This article is just wierd. It tstates that they got he license for Space Marine but then continue talking about Dark Millenium which are two completly diffrent games.
It also sound even more wierd since the license for Space Marine was with Relic which was sold to Sega.
No, I'll be waiting for a propper press release.
And the dark skinned Space Marines are the Salamanders, not Dark angels.... and Black Templares aren't even a 1st founding! Know thy lore!
I wouldn't mind a battlefield 40k though....flying around in stormtalons, rhinos and whatnot. That would be fun.
GW has been licensing several 40k-related properties to different companies as of late. It doesn't mean that Bioware (or EA) will be the only company to make anything 40k-related, just that they're making a 40k-based game. I imagine that after all of the troubles associated with THQ, GW's wanting to spread its licenses around to make sure that no one company controls the entire thing.
also said first founding so Black Templars are out they are a second founding. Salamanders makes most sense giving "very very dark skin" given the chapter's Melanchromic organ works in overdrive all the time making their skin as dark as charcoal.
So one dude can take the Thunderhawk before anyone can embark?
LuLz. Sometimes I miss BF.
BioWare did a terrible job with TOR and a horrid job with the latter Mass Effect games. This is very saddening, and I now for a fact I wont see anything worth playing from this.
Goodbye Space Marine...
Good bye, Space marine. Bioware will ruin this franchise.
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