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Loving your work Loken! These new models are fantastic. My wallet is gonna take a pounding but i just dont care! Well done on coming all this way. I couldn't be bothered to get the train up from london and you've flown over the Atlantic!
How can they continue to impress me with all their model. It's not fair for us modeller to give us so many good toy and we have to settle on one legion...
A quick shout of thanks and to let you know that I'm linking your blog in a quick post for folks wanting some awesome weekender coverage, and sending them your way!!
Thanks energongoodie and Miniature Tim! Spread the word and let people know about my blog! I am trying to build up my traffic and take up the slack that Faeit212 left. My blog is 150% over its previous record, and that was the day BoLS and Faeit212 went down! So we are kicking as sthanks to you guys.
I'm spreading the word now :)
I'm really looking forward to the Phoenix Guard terminators. Also that new tank look awesome and makes me think of a land raider crossed the tumbler bat mobile. Thanks for posting up the pictures
Time to apply for a new credit card....!
Thanks Loken for taking the time to do all this for us so many thank's, im in the UK and i couldn't get time off work to go :-(. Anything on the next book's that are coming out, as im waiting to start my Heresy Imperial Fists Legion and i cant wait to see some models for my boy's.
By the by, the picture you've labelled as Emperor's Children Contemptor says on the picture it is an Iron Hands Contemptor...
Linked, followed, and I don't mind shunting traffic your way for news and rumors at all! Not my thing to cover, and you've got a heckuva spot here, man. Can't wait to see ant you've got next. You're add to my daily checklist of blogs to read!
Thanks for your hard work. Enjoy Day 2!
Thanks for the updates. I really appreciate it living all the way in Canada. I cry a little every time i see a notice for a BL, HH or FW weekender. And thanks Tim for linking to it on your blog. I have no idea why I wasn't already following Loken, but I am now!
Thanks for the heads up, I changed it!
Thanks for awesome work!
Any word on a kharn model.... Ever?
Loken: They had the WIP of the new Space Marine Tank on display in the Armorium on Day 2, along with sketches etc. Looks like it is going to be called the 'Heracles'.
Does the IH contemptor have a skull with a cybernetic eye piece? Thanks for providing thesec pictures, Loken!
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