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or they are just clearing all the slow moving lines that are taking up warehouse space to make room for more popular products and focusing on there core products.
Hasbro...ugh...death of my hobby!
Thge end is nigh...
I did wonder what would be done with the specialist games range once metal casting was being discontinued, whether it would be switched to finecast or ditched altogether, now I have my answer.
I notice Bloodbowl is missing from that list...
Hey, this is help for second-hand companies as now I'm justified in looking for Necromunda bitz from there. I will be sad that I won't be able to get my Chaos fleet for BFG, though...
And in another striking stroke of good luck, that means I can sell this stuff on ebay soon and actually get some monies for it! As opposed to now, where it being available means that it sells for too cheap on the 'ol auction site...
Or they may revamp some of these games with new plastic/finecast sculpts.
I think you may be right about an impending sale (not because I have any info or facts).
They've really been on the offense for the last several months...
-attacking any perceived enemy (small-time authors and sites that unwittingly promote them, of all things).
-shut down any direct venues to comment/criticize (i.e. GW Facebook page), because apparently addressing criticisms is beneath them.
-quietly killed off games that fans like but aren't profitable to them (since there's no large buy-in like there is for WFB and 40K).
My question is, will this possible sale just continue down this same path of "raise prices, ignore customers" or will a potential investment firm gut the company for profit, killing off GW altogether? Either way I'm certainly planning to consider alternatives to GW products...they'll either be too much (like they aren't already!) or 100% OOP.
Only things I want out of that list is Nork and the Last Chancer's.
Donald duck is at the crossroads with a machinegun.
Okay selling the company is a pretty big assumption, however there's a second more logically sound possibility.
Since GW is moving away from metal they could be finally cutting down how much metal they produce by getting rid of low volume metal model ranges seems more like a business move to expand and grow, rather than get set up for a sale.
Honestly, Why sell something that people aren't going to use, it isn't a high enough demand to keep in production, everything in the fantasy collector range either has no rules, or rules don't exist anymore (dogs of war for example). Also everything in the 40k collector range either got their update (Chaos Space Marines) or according to the Rumor Tarot will get their update soon (Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Orks).
As far as the specialist games go, I have everything except Warmaster, and I have no intention on playing with ANY of it, i have them because either they were given to me, or i bought it because it looked cool, but the demand for those games is so small, that it's only logical to stop production.
Halting production of these areas and selling the Metal Presses will probably free up space in the production facility and either make room for more plastic production, or warehouse space, only keeping around enough machines to produce the high volume metal / resin models.
They did something similar to this in the US with Plastic Production.
FYI a lot of stuff is already starting to sell out, get to your local GW and order what you want, if you aren't near one, make your order worth it.
Shipping metal costs an arm and a leg. I notice they keep their prices similar or they rise, but the shipping costs are greatly reduced. Seems like a solid business choice to me. Cutting out more factory retooling/moldmaking will also save huge amounts of money. See also their emphasis on internet ordering with delivery to your local store.
Bit late to all this, yes they truly are going -take a look at the mordheim amazons. Gone :(
(also free shipping has gone up from $30 to $60 for Aussie gamers)
If they do sell the metal presses, the least they can do is put out some plastic or finecast conversion sprues - tallarn, valhallan, etc.
Time to get a 3D printer and start cloning my IG army then :)
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