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listen....i'm all for this, however Behaviour has done nothing but pump out shitty movie games over the years and had no practical experience in making a succesfull MMO....like ever. So although i am very excited to see this multi year dream become reality, the fact that they have literally just pumped out shitty games over the last X amount of years doesn't really fill me with alot of hope for an amazing game. Would liked to have seen Bioware or THQ done it instead.
Except for the fact THQ doesn't actually exist anymore, hence why these guys have the license...
Also, it took World of Warcraft 200 miilion $, 900 employees working directly on the project, and 4 years to develop the foundation for its success. Here, this company only got 275 employees, with an announced budget, with only a 2 1/2 year timeframe. Now assuming that this companies bread and butter is in low cost high volume game movies, as seen from their website and past exploits, atleast 1/3 of their workforce is going to be developing other games. Leaving about 175 employees to work on the W40K game. I would have much more faith if all of those people were MMO vets like the 900 employees who made WoW but the reality is that they are not. So the Economics of this doesnt really look good on the surface.
However, on the positive side, a W40K MMO might allow this production team the ability to carve out a niche for themselves and break themselves into another genre, and exceed our expectations. Also, hopefully the THQ liscence they bought had a good foundation of the work done for them, so that the team can flesh out the skeleton framework of THQ's prior work and production hours. All we can do is hope at this point..........
but any game is better than no game, and regardless of what its like i'll definitely play the damn thing anyway because W40k is my crack.....so there's that
"Hack through genuinely challenging procedural content"
Is that supposed to entice me? Procedural content?
If it looks good near/on release, of course I'll be there trying it (Eldar woot woot)... But i agree with other comments that I'm a trifle skeptical about the MMORPG model (particularly across 3 platforms--which is my biggest worry of all that this is more cash-grab than a legitimate attempt at a sustainable MMORPG).
When are we going to hear more about GW taking away your dream of owning a gamestore? What happened???
I can't imagine the chap from Wing Commander going for a company that couldn't meet his expectations with Star Citizen.
As for 200mil on WoW? not in the beginning, SWTOR cost 150mil before release and was the most expensive game ever made.
There is also no way 900+ experienced MMO dev's helped make WoW before release as well, as there was very few MMO's in exsistence(EQ, DAOC, AO and WWII online are the only one's that spring to mind.
I do understand what you're saying about small teams and MMO's though, but Mortal online was far smaller then this and they had a bloody good crack at it, they just failed to keep their original vision intact with all the player influence.
There's hope Jim, but not as we know it.
Honestly, reading this reminded me of the 'Dark Millennium' MMO that was attempted and then dropped. I suspect that is exactly what engine they are using, and considering how...dull it looked to play, I have low hopes for it.
Would been som much happier if a mmo-experienced studio got the licence. Like Turbine for example.
WoW offers patches. If this game is going across multiple platforms, how are they going to fix problems when the arise? Sell you another copy for your Xbox?
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