Thursday, June 27, 2013

Apocalypse Lord of Skulls Stats

From DoomedDiceThrower on Warseer:

Lord of Skulls
Triple Khorne's sacred number is indeed its point cost. All directly battle revelant stats seem rather mediocre with 3's and 4's (except S which is 10 ofc). no 14's in its armour rating.
But it has 9 Hullpoints, and the rule "Fuelled by Rage", which gives it +1A for every lost HP (keeping that even if the HP is repaired later) up to A: 10.

"Tracked Behemoth": It may not Stomp, but use the "Thunderblitz" table for Ramming and Tank Shock for Superheavy Vehicles.

3 Weapon points, the axe which can't be exchanged (but has S: D !), one template weapon in the belly, one more conventional shooting arm-weapon.

The belly-weapons names:
- Gorestorm Cannon (Hellstorm template, MEQ killy high-S stat, standard loadout)
- Deamongore Cannon (Gorestorm with higher strength, gets hot and Instant Death)
- Ichor Cannon which is a large blast TEQ-killy weapon with slightly lower strength then the other options.

- Hades Gatling cannon (standard loadout, 12 shots pinning version of what Forgefiends have)
- SKULLHURLER (caption for actually hurling skulls, which is cheesesome) which is an apocalyptic Blast MEQ killy high-S weapon with good range, and special rule "Gnaw" forcing successful saves to reroll.

Thanks to DoomedDiceThrower!


An Enemy said...

I love GW's models. Love them. That said, this model perfectly encapsulates everything that is horrible and face palm inducing about GW's design aesthetic.

Yes I know, blood for the blood god. Skulls for...well...apparently every semi flat surface.

Mitchos said...

That helmet looks like some sort of anime boy racer thingy with a Khorne bit stuck on top. No thanks GW.

Spaguatyrine said...

I don't like chaos and I think it kooks awesome.

Laurent said...

I can't wait to laugh at people who dare put one of this pile of crap on the tabletop...

Worst design ever..

Knight of Infinite Resignation said...

if only they had made the Brass Scorpion or a Warhound in plastic, but instead we get this pile of shite.

Unknown said...

I think it looks really cool, and the weapon loadouts do have appeal. However for 888 points it had better have AT LEAST the 5+ Daemon save, It Will Not Die, and Daemonic Possession. I also question how it can be an assaulting model and still be a tank. I would have to venture that when it assaults or is assaulted it functions as a Superheavy Walker, meaning it can't be assaulted against the rear wussy armor. And WTF?! AV13 for 888 points!?!?! That's absolutely ridiculous, and really makes me question whether I will buy one of these.....I mean $160 is crazy expensive, although I realize it is 8 x 20.

Furthermore I really really hope rules for Superheavies are something 'an Explosion result causes the vehicle to lose D3 Hull Points' rather than autolosing 3 HP/1 SP as in the previous Apoc rules. If they don't give us that GW can F-off for Apoc.

pegboard said...

I am really trying to get excited. Apocalypse should be just my sort of game.

I am struggling though. Even seeing the Khorne engine in different colours and angles it really doesn't appear any better to me. When I look at the Blood Slaughterer or the Decimator it's odd.

A plastic Blight Drone? Perhaps the Khorne mega man was a response to Colossals? Either way Daemons already need plastic greater daemons, fleshhounds, fiends. Which is something I didn't get in release either - new Plague Drones but not new fiends.

It just doesn't hang together well. There are obvious gaps in the codex and model range and a giant centauroid machine man wasn't it.

For £45 I'd rather buy an Imperial Armour book. Muh better value.

BDN said...

In Canada, the new apoc Lord of Skulls and the Vault are 190$ each... That is about 180$ US. Fuck Canada...

Admiraldick said...

its not perfect, but as far as the miniature goes i'm pretty happy. its completely in tune with the warmachines that featured in Epic so many years ago that first got me interested in the hobby. sure they were quirky and unusual, but that's because they represented the unexpected nature of Chaos.

the 40kiverse is a immensely rich and vibrate place already crammed to the rafters with evocative units and settings, and GWs current fetish for never revisiting ideas is really starting to grate. and hopefully this model is a step in the right direction.

as for skulls, i agree not everything should be covered in skulls. however, as skull collection is one of the primary forms of Khorne worship, if anything should have skulls it really should be a Khornate war engine and it really should be dripping with them.

(i would have preferred plastic greater daemons, but i'm not going to turn my nose up at the Lord of Skulls).

Anonymous said...

I'll pass on the Khorne Mega Man. I will end up scratch building one. this one looks too bedazzled.

Olberon said...

Still looks like a handicapped khorne daemon in a wheelchair. this is by far the most ugly design ever by gw... time to scratchbuild a dedcent one

Anonymous said...

I swear... I half expect to see Voltron show up to kill that Robeast.

Unknown said...

You guys look at this thing from 21st century point of view.
Imagine you are uneducated, superstitious, fearful(medieval mind) Imperial Guardsman or worse Planetary Defense Force troop.
You are sitting in your trench, in mud and it's raining all the time. Suddenly you can hear horrible noise in the distance. You peak from your trench and see that giant space marine heading your way, spitting fire and waving his big axe.
Next thing you do is run in fear! You don't even think about your commissar in that moment.

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