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Warhammer 40,000
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The possibilities may be fantastic if they did a proper planning for gamers and the future of gaming. They may be able to do updates, erratas, or even add new additions to each codex. This way you can buy a main codex then purchase updates that can be plugged in or to fix outdated information.
Not an ipad user, and I am hoping I will see the books available for my Kindle Fire soon. The price at first glance seemed high, but you are getting a 366 page interactive book. I believe you will get your monies worth.
I suppose this is the wave of the future. It's a great buy if you have the tech; for those of us without, just another GW pipe dream...
£25 for a Digital version.
Most of the additional content is already available from other sources. And they avoid the Outlay of Printing cost.
Sure it will be Updated to the latest FAQ and include newly released units. But you'll (98% likelihood) have to buy a new digital copy when the next version of the codex comes out.
£5 more than the Print version.
It's Good that they are starting to move with the time, however they are making serious errors.
~ Bob
I agree with Bob, good thought, bad execution
Painting and modeling guides on an iPad, eh? I see a lot of iPads getting superglue and paint on their touchscreens in people's future. Heh.
I'll keep with the book versions because I'm old-fashioned.
$5 cheaper than the print version in Australia.
Now the functionality does look nice, but without a built in army list builder, I don't see it as being worth the extra cost.
It is an official document so you don't have to lug all the books to the tournies.
Got lots of nice interactive material
Can highlight sections and make notes.
Faster delivery to market - no more waiting for material to hit stores.
It is the old 5th ed codex. (with my dealings with itunes books, I know you need to issue a NEW book rather than issue a new version to replace the old one)
Updates via FAQ still won't update the codex.
You still have to write out your list.
Cost is a bit high.
Digital products will be held back to coincide with the printed versions hitting the retail store.
I LIKE that they are trying this out, but the potential market is low because we ALL know the next edition is coming and it is going to invalidate the SM codex within a few months of launch.
Bring one of these to a tourney, you better be bringing a spare battery.
Its about time but too expensive imho. A digital ipad copy should be included for free in the sale of every hardcopy codex.
as for your battery during a tourney, that shoukd be fine. i brought my ipad with all the codexes on it to my last gw tournament. but the organisers would let me use it above the table.
Also it might way less but for the rulebook and primary codex id still recommend the hardcopies as these are quicker to flip through. even with a search function i think.
That's fine if it is available. Not released in New Zealand iTunes store yet? Why?
What about the other markets. Wouldnt going digital allow the fans in countries without the support and store chains on offer be able to access the content digitally instead. Funnily its not available in South AFrica.
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