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very nice auto-cannon!
Yay Me!
Great looking auto-cannons...they scream the need to be looted....
wonder if they can work for hydra conversions? getting fed up of being horded :D
Don't see a reason why they couldn't be Millest. I bet they'd fit well on the razorback turret mount, and I'm sure that can be adapted to a chimera chassis easily enough.
I could realy use these for my dreaded psyriffleman dreads!
So, please please please please!! :D
Those autocannons are pretty danged nice - I dare say they'd look hyper-sexy on a Dark Angels Mortis dread.
Me likey. Check out my Storm Eagle! http://www.freshcoast40k.com/2012/06/storm-eagle-assault-gunship-caelum.html
That's too bad, I would have really like the cannon :(
Congrats to the winner! I love that this blog has giveaways. Im already constantly checking my RSS for new info, but the contests give me that extra incentive to keep up to date as I can. i especially enjoy this blog. smaller and more intimate than BoLS lol. not to say i dont love BoLS! Im especially excited because i have been debating on buying two autocannon arms from Forgeworld for my crimson fists army... gah... i like these!
Ah, hoping that the "Rifleman" DNs still exist when the new edition drops... In any case they are really nice looking arms for the model...
Hey Thracis, thanks so much for the positive words. I am trying to keep this blog fun and intimate. And the give-aways are a way of having fun!
Killa Kan upgrade....'nuf said.
Riflemen... heh heh heh... They were my favourite from Battlemeks from soo soo many years ago. Yes I would love to have them added to a couple of Dreads that I have.
Excellent competition, well worth a comment. If I win I'm making to ven dreads for my Astral Claws. Also if your interested I run a Badab Bloggers group here: http://thefallenprinces.blogspot.co.uk/ can you have a look. Thanks.
Those are good looking dread arms. I hope I am the lucky one this time.
I am impressed by those autocannons
I had not seen those autocannon arms before, they look great!
I could use these on my Executioners Dreadnought, really add some BOOM BOOM FIREPOWER!
I could use those on my dreads...
They do look awesome. Impressed with their work. I would love some!
I am quite sad that the quantam cannon is not on its way to me, oh well, better luck next time.
Never seen Custom Minis' stuff before, they have some nice things!
awww swwet this would be my early Xmas present! Hopefully they don't nerf autocannons in 6th...
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