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When i saw the flyers rumor, i though DE were already set with our Razorwing...
No Tyranid Harpy kit rumor though? I would think that GW wanted to get on that right away--the whole dispute with people's upgrade kits (the Tervigon upgrade) seems to point to their need to produce the model asap, so that others could not make and sell it. I would think they would move on something that was in a book prior to a completely new model (for Eldar).
So if you are someone who is just starting out, what rule books do you wait to purchase? I got the 'black reach' set just to have something to get started with building and get a feel for it before deciding on my army, but everything reads like there are all new books coming out and considering the amount of money I'm going to spend I would like to do it the least amount of times :)
I love me some stickmonkey... but to say he is the most reliable isn't quite accurate. Harry is the most frequent/most reliable rumor poster. Stick tends to be accurate, but his time frames for what he sees vs. release dates are highly random. On the reverse side of it, Hastings says almost nothing, but what he says is generally 100%.
Looking forward to the Eldar stuff... Maybe they'll get more of their rules updates too... Any potential word on whether this would be something from the older fluff, or an entirely new design?
Unknown: Just wait till 6th edition comes out, which should be in the next month.
Well, the Tau already have the 2 Tigersharks, the Remora (although they are better in IA), the Manta, the Orca (although there are supposed to be different variants), and the Barracuda. That fills all the slots from IA except for the Tigershark AX-2-2 (which controls two Remoras) and the Drone Aerial Minefield (which is an area denial weapon that could be handled by a Strategic Asset).
Hopefully the Orca will be in plastic, but otherwise, I have no idea what the Tau fliers might be....
-Wild Bill
We need an air superiority fighter that's main weapon is a regular Rail Cannon, twin linked misslepods, and a 2 d3 rail rail rifles at BS 4.
*looks at 2500 points of Tau coated in dust* Yea. A flyer might do them some good :)
I kind think Tau should kick ass in air to air. Their technology should really be an advantage there.
Until it gets assaulted by jump infantry :P
Sweet... New additions to my Eldar Air Force!
40l radio addressed this a couple weeks ago and i agree: orks are a very reliable beginner race. Eldar and dark eldar require finesse. Space marines are all around good. Gw loves them. But the 6th ed rules favor tactical squads over land raiders for kill potential. Recommend against the races with old codexes: tau, sisters. New necron i hear are becoming popular and reliable
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