Sunday, May 27, 2012

GW Price Increase - What's the truth?

Well, when I stepped into the Los Angeles LA Battle Bunker yesterday, one of the employees who is a regular reader of this blog told me what was really going on with the GW Price increase.  And here is the deal:

30% of GW products will go up 4%.  That is all.  No huge price increases.  No 60% price increase like some other blog reported.  A pretty mild price increase as far as that goes.

Also, in case you haven't heard, Games Workshop Stores will be pulling all 5th edition rules books off the shelves, which means we will see 6th edition next month!  Here it comes folks.

The rumor mill has a few interesting tidbits:

1)  No more random game length.

2)  The ability to "buy" terrain.  So you can actually get stuff that will help your army.

3)  Flamers can set certain terrain on fire...something hat lasts through turns!

More information as we get it.



Mitchos said...

You think I would be more excited, but I just feel that they are going to stuff it. Fingers and toes are crossed...please don't.

Unknown said...

If you average it our across all increases, its about 4%, BUT yeah some stuff jumped... more....

Chris Gardiner said...

I saw the new pricing the other day. There were definitely some small increases on some of the vehicles and minis. The large jumps on the bigger kits are definitely the attention getters of GW's Annual Price Bonanza!

chaplainaerion said...

30% rising 4% means a whopping 70% of their merchandise is rising more (significantly more in some cases). GW are masters of spin, and it's likely your buddy has to drink a lot of kool-aid to work in that environment. When listening to GW information one has to view it through a filter that we should all use when listening to politicians. The truth is in there, but it's probably a lot closer to the opposite of what they're saying.

Son of Dorn said...

I dunno, Alec. The guys over at Frontline talked to their GW sales rep. who confirmed the prices with them...

CLBenarius said...

Well the language used "that is all" is pretty clear. To me tat means 70% will keep current prices. But Son of Dorn what you post seems rather clear too.

But even a 4% hike is much more than that in real terms, as in my country (NL) the average purchasing power is earmarked to decrease by 15% due to increases in utility bills, petrol, vat and food prices (according to local business news report).

TheGraveMind said...

Ya, I'm pretty sure they are changes as said, with stormravens jumping to 82, landraiders going to 75 etc. That is what the official vendor file I've seen shows.
I'm thinking the 4% thing is just the average (cause they increased modeling supplies by like 10 cents) and they are advertising that point to make it sound better.

eriochrome said...

Generally you cannot trust redshirts farther than you can throw them. In this case everything says that across the whole line 4% average but that includes items which did not change and items like predators which have gone up 16%.

Poosh said...

mate, no offense, but you're wrong. (your source is lying). You can see for yourself now with the price-hikes now online. 25% price hikes for some items. One terrain bits box up by 75%.

So your source was literally full of sh*t.

Unknown said...

What's changing in product, though. Has plastic gone up in price? Do they have too much overhead? I just want a straight answer for once.

Loken said...

Hey, just reporting what the GW guy said. We will see when the price increases actually come out. A lot of rumors now, but I haven't seen any actual documents.

Poosh said...

It's not a lot of rumours. They very literally are out. The GW guy, predictably lied or was misinformed himself.

Online retailers are already putting up the data they've got from GW. Visit UK's Dark Sphere website for a clear table showing the old/new prices. All Fantasy plastic character packs are up £1, for example. Chaos Maurader Horsemen, Empire Pistoleers, and all boar boys are up £2.00.

All LOTR box sets are getting a SECOND price hike this year as well. It's absolute contempt for LOTR players.

Anonymous said...


The Price increase information Loken has provided is directly connected to Games Workshop US, not UK or Global.

It's entirely possible the price increases differ around the world.

Anonymous said...

All spacemarine tanks are all + $8.50. That makes a land raider $73.00.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Check it out.

GW Blows said...

Yes the local GW Manager here in New York City store gave the same scripted response 70% of our stuff is remaining the same price only 30% of the product line is going up an average of 4%. Then I asked him if he saw the list of could give me some examples and his response was I have not seen the list yet...then I showed him the list from the WarStore and pointed out some of the HUGE hikes and he kinda just got red in the face stared blankly then he said yeah well 70% of our products are not going up. That whole 4% average increase and 30% or 70% is all the company script. Everyone I spoke to in the store and showed the list to said that they would were just going to stick with what they had and were not going to be starting any new armies anytime soon...the other regular staffers even quietly confessed they were probably not going to be adding much more to their collections or starting up any new armies even with their employee discounts.

Anonymous said...

Read the pdf, theres one HUGE Goof on that list and it's a HUGE RED FLAG, and that's the Fortress of Redemption.
Stores don't carry the Fortress of Redemption, the Fortified Manor, or the Imperial Strongpoint anymore, those are direct order only, any store that still has it, just didn't sell their old stock.

Plus it has nobody's name on the bottom of the PDF, Official documents have names on the bottom.

Son of Dorn said...

The PDF is from a store, not GW. It has been reformatted by the store to show the price changes and availability of product. Independent retailers will often do direct order on products. I know that 2 of 3 local stores will for me.

eriochrome said...

Do we get a follow up report now that the changes are official?

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