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Can't wait. The first support my guys will have had in almost 4 years.
Can't wait, gonna be amazing.
I'm not too keen on the look of the StormTalon, but that's just me. I'm sure the kit will be good.
What worries me is the backwards compatibility of the ork flyers. Since there are already Forgeworld ork flyers available, will there be useable and legal stats for them as well, or will the "new" flyers be significantly different?
Sure, you can use the "counts as rule", but I'm a bit tired of having to proxy every old model I have.
Who cares about the othere dudes! The Arrakis Dynasty will fully awaken once the Scythe(s) have been released!
Oh, well. I guess I will stop writing my Scythe Tutorial and get back to making my own flyers until the models come out....
-Wild Bill
$45.00 sounds pretty cheap...
I agree with Greg... are we sure the $45.50 is correct? Seems right for the Ork/Necron but for the Stormraven I am (pleasantly) surprised!
Anyone know if the Stormraven will be available to the Blood Angels?
I'm really disapointed by the StormTalon.
It'll be a big Land Speeder.
But I'll buy it anyway.
$45.50 seems a lot for a unit the size of a Land Speeder (judging by the size of the cockpit). Have to see if it's good enough to be worth it.
I sure hope I get rules for a Vanilla Stormraven. Be a huge boon to my forces. :)
The Stormtalon looks interesting, but as an alternative to the Stormraven as opposed to in addition. I mean that for 70 points less than a Stormraven you get a very similar weapons loadout, but lose the ability to transport 12 infantry/six jump infantry or terminators and a dreadnaught. That's a lot of utility for just 70 points and I personally would take a Stormraven over the Stormtalon any day of the week.
Stormtalon looks too good stat wise - better than the Razorwing and cheaper, plus steals it's aerial assault party trick. Who says codex creep doesn't exist?
Exciting for the Orks, as an entirely new kit (hopefully) means that they're high in the 6th edition codex rotation. I'll ignore any comments about the Eldar Night Spinner as counter-argument to this. Heh.
The stormtalon looks interesting. Fluff wise not sure how it fits as well as if there are going to be restrictions on who can get them. I have read many of the books and as of yet have not read anything that resembles a stormtalon.
I'm looking forward to these... have to say that with all the Ork goodies I've been seeing first from third party companies like Kromlech and now from GW, it is sorely tempting to start yet another army even though I haven't finished the first four yet LOL
Looking neat... Not sure how balanced they are, and with new edition "soon"...
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