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"like Sisters of Battle, we get the name in High Gothic" - in defence of that name change, it's 100% fluff-accurate and should always have been the case from the start.
The Sisters of Battle are the militant arm of the Adepta Sororitas. The Sororitas is an umbrella-term that incorporates the Sisters of Battle (Battle-Sisters etc.) as well as other orders of sister (Hospitalliers, for example).
In a codex that allows you to take various types of sisters, not just the Sisters of Battle, the title "Sisters of Battle" is somewhat erroneous and technically incorrect; "Adepta Sororitas" is much more accurate. In effect they suffer from the same problem as the Grey Knights codex which of course incorporates Inquisitors from multiple orders; technically it is an "Inquisition" codex, just without the Deathwatch.
Calling the Sisters the "Adepta Sororitas" is just a matter of technical accuracy.
The name-change of "Imperial Guard" to "Astra Militarium" however is a bit different; they've taken one name and completely changed it. The translation is now roughly "the Space Army", which not only sounds ridiculous it also changes the name of the force completely. A rough translation of "Imperial Guard" would be "Imperialis Custodes".
Obviously that's far too similar to the existing Custodians, so I have no idea why GW can't just stick with "Imperial Guard". It sounds way cooler...
Perhaps with the name change they plan to incorporate other military formations besides the "ground army". Possibly since flyers and big things are now "in vogue", we might get some Imperial Navy vehicles.
I think they will regret a name change - why change a name on a product that is already well know and sells well?
They will also need to change other items such as "Imperial Guard" book collections (to avoid losing Black Library sales)
Many reasons, but highly likely that they will be able to trademark this new one. The Chapterhouse Lawsuit has taught them a few things.
Also I am placing my money on the new Imperial Knights being Monsterous Creatures and not vehicles.
would be sad if the Knights are MCs what the point of having walker rules if your going to ignore them and use MC rules all the time. Rtide and Dknight should have been walkers all along.
the change of the name IMO will be the same in the next edition for SM they will be adeptus astartes.They have to protect their IP so this is the best way
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