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So expect to see some teasers in the near future?
You know... as far as discounts are concerned, Forgeworld can do that because they don't allow anybody else to sell their product, that's right Forgeworld doesn't have any Trade Accounts or Stockists, not even in the UK and as an incentive to buy such expensive models from them, they offer a discount with a bundle.
Games Workshop doesn't because the FLGS do, discounting their own products would take business away from the FLGS.
Oh yeah, THAT is why. What TOTAL CRAP.
1) Never stopped GW from doing it in the past.
2) FLGS can match those deals.
Really Lufgt, do you work for GW? because you are the biggest GW apologist I have ever seen. Every bullshit move they make you have an excuse for.
You used to be a self proclaimed "Fan Boy", now ever since you sold Dice of War you've been playing the same broken record.
What's up with that.
Dish it out, what happened, what changed.
As far as being an apologist goes, I think GW is a fine company overall but defiantly has issues, I don't care about discounts because the FLGS I go to doesn't offer them but I gladly pay full price to support a great shop full of great people.
My issue is with the Quality of their products they have been putting out, and when Quality isn't an issue Quantity is, and I'll go on a little tirade now.
Their thin plastic glue is crap, at first I was excited for it and after building an entire army and watching it fall apart twice, I switched back to Testors Model Master glue, I'm out 14 bucks for two packs of glue, when a 5 dollar bottle of Testors did the trick.
Their paint quality is AMAZING, however their paint pots are awful, the paint gets trapped in the lid, which doesn't allow the paint to close and ends up drying the paint out, Dropper bottles would be nice, I'm fine with the price increase, however if the price of their paint begins to increase more without a change in volume, I may consider finding a new brand of similar quality.
The White Primer has to be the worst, THEE WORST Primer i've ever used in my whole life, I primed 20 Eldar Guardian Defenders and they came out so awful, so chalky that I went to a GW store and demanded new models, that had a happy end, the manager used the paint and was appalled as well and exchanged my white primer for black and got me new models, but holy hell that stuff was appalling, NEVER again.
Dropping the Edlar Dire Avengers from 10 in a box to 5 for roughly the same price is just shady as all hell.
Their water effects, which is now discontinued because even GW wouldn't sink as low as to continue making that crap, was a total rip off, 25 bucks for a bottle of water effects the size of Elmers Glue, and had more shrinkage problems than a fat man at the pool.
Finecast is STILL a joke, even though the quality of the resin is getting SLIGHTLY better, the quality control is still lacking, there's still bubbles, defects, and worst of all it could have been plastic, the models are all stored digitally, they could make plastic molds for this stuff WHY haven't they done it, I'd gladly pay a few bucks more for plastic Eldar, but I have to play with my army like I'm handling a faberge egg out of fear of breaking my models.
I even have issues with Forgeworld.
Their models are beautiful, amazing, and thier books are top quality, I had the pleasure of looking through the Betrayal Book, I was floored.
But it's about time GW invested back into Forgeworld to update their operations because there's no reason why these awesome models couldn't be put out in Plastic, I'd still buy the resin figures, but some of their veteran models like the Titans, Thunder Hawk and more could be done in plastic now, That investment could change EVERYTHING. The benefits would be amazing, Plastic is still cheaper than resin, the product would be lighter, more durable, finer in detail, less issues with warping and heat, cost effective while still yeilding a product, and the demand would be so high they'd have a hard time pumping the models out to keep up with the orders.
As it is right now when a Titan is ordered they are made to order because the molds are broken once the titan is made.
Imagine those bundles, at a cheaper price and with plastic... nobody can refuse that.
So... as far as being a GW Apologist goes, not really, I think there are more issues with GW than discounts and legal practices, I think their Quality and Quantity issues are more of a factor because I don't mind paying for anything full price as long as I feel like I'm getting my money's worth out of it.
There are many reasons why GW can't make Finecast and FW models into plastic, but the most obvious is that they have no way of making plastic moulds without redesigning the models.
ALL FW models and ALL Finecast models are hand sculpted. To the best of my knowledge, this means that they have a single master model, from which copies and moulds can be created; they do not have a digital file available.
Essentially, for FW to make plastic models, everything would move to digital, there could be no undercuts on the models, there would be less detail and it would probably result in the loss of almost everyone who currently works at FW. All of the FW sculptors make a real model, it's even on the job description; they don't work in digital, so they can't make plastic models without an obscene amount of effort, i.e. Scanning the model into a computer, and trying to make it work in plastic.
While I'm replying, I'll point out that your claim about one use moulds is pure BS. Depending on the quality of the rubber, moulds last for at least 50 casts. The only models cast to order are those which say "Cast to order", and that's only because they don't sell enough of them to justify such a huge model sitting around. FW typically cast up a certain number of each model per week depending on how many they've sold in previous weeks.
"As it is right now when a Titan is ordered they are made to order because the molds are broken once the titan is made."
Complete and utter lie. I've personally spoken at great length at conventions with several of the chaps from Forgeworld in how they create moulds. Almost all of what they do is in platinum-cure silicone moulds, which are incredibly durable and last for dozens of pulls. Far more than that if the pieces being cast are relatively flat and free of tiny details that can rip the silicone apart(such as most of the components of say, any of their titan kits).
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