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Well first off i'd like to say this is has become the premier 40k blog for me. Faster on news than bols, with better written posts and lacking the trolling posters.
Second, while a great looking model, i am a little dissapointed by it. I'd hoped the storm eagle/bird would be a little more aerodynamic with a cone shaped nose. But its personal. For the rest the model looks great and i'd love owning one.
Well, I'll eat my words on nearly every forum and blog, this is real. I'm still on the fence about the model itself, not sure why. But I echo the earlier sentiment, this blog is rapidly becoming the best I read for news and other info. Good work, both here and on the forums.
I'm definitely pleased to find that my cynicism regarding it being an April Fools joke has proven ill-founded. I'm really jazzed about this kit, and will be ordering one as soon as it's available! Woo-hoo!
It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong...guess what? I was wrong. I was sure this was a well-thought out scam or joke. I am actually glad to say that it is exciting to see another craft that EVERYONE can use. Bit pricey, but maybe in a year or so it'll be picked up by GW as a large scale plastic model. Way to go!
Cant wait to see some rules for it...
then the long wait untill i can afford one
...or three...
Repost from my posts to B&C and BOLS:
...as pilfered from another site, via camera phone pic (so forgive where I can't read):
12s all around for armor. BS as you'd expect. Fast Skimmer. Four access points (Front, Left, Right, Rear). Capacity 20, with TDA and Jumpers counting as two each.
Standard fit-out:
1 Hull-mounted TL HB
1 Hull-mounted V.......(unreadable, believed to be Vengeance based on text elsewhere) launcher
Ceramite Plating
Special Rules:
Deep Strike, Assault Vehicle, POTMS.
May exchange TL HB for TL MM or single Typhoon Launcher
May upgrade/up-gun to include four wing-mounted Hellstrike missiles
May upgrade/up-gun to include two wing-mounted TL LC
May take extra armor and searchlight upgrades.
A smidge cheaper than a standard Land Raider.
Vengeance Launcher is included in flavor box.
FOC: FA for C:SM, C:SW, C:DA, C:BT, may be taken as HS for Tyrant's Legion army (see IA 9) or as FA for Siege Assault Vanguard army (see IA 10).
I've left out some critical points values in order to not commit any board infractions.
It's not just legit, people. It's incredibly, sexily legit. Someone start making MC Hammer references here, I've got too much self-respect.
You are the man!
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