Forge World to Release Horus Heresy Rulebook
0 Comments - 31 Oct 2017
  The Horus Heresy gets a rulebook! From Forge World:   Get ready to return to the 31st Millennium with the new Horus Heresy Age of Darkness Rulebook, available to pre-order this Friday. This book is your guide to gaming in the Age of Darkness; this valuable resource is for both experienced Praetors who’ve been playing sin...

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Something Cool on eBay - Oct. 1st
0 Comments - 01 Oct 2017
What's cool on eBay this week? Well, this set of dice and objective markers!  The lot also includes the massive munitorium dice set. Have at it!Loken ...

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Forgeworld Games Day Seminar Notes - The Horus Heresy

Well, the Horus Heresy news from Forgeworld has been well discussed.  Mostly arguments about why fanboys don't want the Horus Her

Forgeworld Rules for 6th Edition

Forgeworld has released new rules for 6th Edition.  There are 10 different PDFs that deal with different aspects of the game and

Monday, July 30, 2012

Resin Roundup!

So much new stuff coming out, so I am going to cover some of it today and some of it Wednesday. PUPPETS WAR Puppets War is one o

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Forgeworld to Release Horus Heresy Books

The Horus Heresy is coming! Forgeworld has announced that it will be releasing Book 1 of a series on The Horus Heresy. Check out t

Chaos Daemons up on Advance Order!

21 Daemon items are up on Games Workshop's 40K Advance Order section.  Find everything here. A few of the best new items: Exal

Friday, July 27, 2012

Giveaway Winner and Next Week's prize!

THIS WEEK'S GIVE AWAY T-Hawk from 102 Projects won our set of FOUR Custom Minis Dreadnaught Autocannon Arms.   So i

Black Library Releases Space Wolves Anthology

The Black Library has released another eBook and this time it is an anthology of Space Wolves stories, including some only available

Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Black Library Releases - Blood Angels and Imperial Guard

The Black Library is bringing out a lot of eBooks lately, since they take a fraction of the effort of a printed book.  Here are the

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More Chaos Daemon info...

More Daemon rumors hitting the Internet.  This is from 40k Daemon: Screamers Screamers now cost 9 more points per model

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chaos Daemons are coming! Videos and Release Date

Well, it is confirmed that Chaos Daemons are winging there way to stores. We will see them in the New White Dwarf and they have a

Monday, July 23, 2012

LOTS of Chaos Rumors.......

Blood of Kittens continues to break more rumors than any other site and usually has very good info. TastyTaste's post this time not

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Has 6th Edition Killed Off the Thunderhawk?

A guest blog by Michael Ovsenik. Once upon a time, the mere mention of this gunship’s name struck fear into the heart of 40k pla

The Titan Manufactorum Goes Live.

Spyros Kypriotis (Who goes by Tsipis) is the brains behind The Titan Manufactorum, which produces 40K scale Titans for Apocalypse

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bardus Tactica - Controlling Transports

Can a Rhino control an objective in 6th edition? Yes and no. A guest blog by Sam White. Whilst skimming the 6th edition rulebook

Friday, July 20, 2012

Black Library Releases Blood Angels Horus Heresy Novel

  "Fear to Tread" is the new Horus Heresy novel from The Black Library.  FInally we get to see the Blood Angels in action

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Scibor Releases Awesome Dark Angels Biker

OK, so Scbior calls it a "SF Knight" but we all know a Dark Angel when we see one!  And timely too as Dark Angels are rumored to be

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Big game Part II - The Awards

OK, so I am 5 months late posting this!  But it needs posting!  For our second annual mega-apocalypse event, The Big Game ga

Monday, July 16, 2012

New Chaos Rumors and Release Date!

There is a new player in the rumor space and it is Skcuzzlebumm's Skuttlebutt and he has some amazing Chaos Rumors. Here they are (and

Friday, July 13, 2012

Forgeworld Releases Avenger Strike FIghter

The kit so many of us have been waiting for from Forgeworld has been released and it is awesome.  It is also EXPENSIVE costing

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Scibor Releases Resin Marine Bike

Scibor has jumped into the Space Marine bike market with an awesome release.This is clearly the best of the bikes we have seen recen

Friday, July 6, 2012

Forgeworld Releases Imperial Armour Aeronautica

  Forgeworld has announced their latest book in conjunction with the release of 40K 6th edition: Imperial Armour Aeronautica.&nb

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Squats are back! - Never say Never.

For years, anytime at Games Day there was a seminar on 40K, some dumb geek would of course raise his hand and ask when Squats were c

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

6th Edition Boxed Set Contents!

Barcode on the BoLS Lounge put up photos of the CHINESE contents of the new 6th Edition boxed set.  Here is the translation by


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