![]() | Forge World to Release Horus Heresy Rulebook 0 Comments - 31 Oct 2017
The Horus Heresy gets a rulebook!
From Forge World:
Get ready to return to the 31st
Millennium with the new Horus Heresy Age of Darkness Rulebook, available
to pre-order this Friday. This book is your guide to gaming in the Age
of Darkness; this valuable resource is for both experienced Praetors
who’ve been playing sin... More Link |
![]() | Something Cool on eBay - Oct. 1st 0 Comments - 01 Oct 2017
What's cool on eBay this week?
Well, this set of dice and objective markers! The lot also includes the massive munitorium dice set.
Have at it!Loken
... More Link |
![]() | Forge World Releases Blood Ravens Chapter Master 0 Comments - 28 Jul 2017
Gabriel Angelos, Blood Ravens Chapter Master
The first of a series of Warhammer 40,000 figures is coming from Forge World. And a beauty it is!
Form Forge World:
Gabriel Angelos, Master of the Blood Ravens chapter of Space Marines,
guides his brothers against the most dangerous enemies in the Galaxy.
Uncompromising and honorable,... More Link |
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Games Workshop discounters 25% off Price War!
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I think online discounting is an even larger problem than just destroying FLGSs. Having a deeper discount is good for a single store if none of the other stores have it, however, what always happens in price wars is that everyone drops the price, and then you end up with the same sales( maybe slightly more), and less profit. In a good business/industry model, a company should focus on giving more services or value rather than dropping price.
The more discount the better!
You know whats not good for the long-term health of the Warhammer hobby? Yearly price raises and an inability to make an army for less than four hundred dollars. The more they raise prices, the harder it is to get new blood into the community. /period.
I support my local game store- I make a good number of my purchases there when I have the money to do so. Need another box of Dire Avengers? Cool, down to the LGS. Do I want to try making a brand new army? Then Im buying online. Were in a global recession and if it wasnt for discounting I couldnt rationalize buying much of anything from GW at all.
Not to mention the internet acts like online retailers are the only ones who discount- not true. Not tournament nights my LGS has 10% off all GW, and if you win sometimes its 20% for the night on top of the prize money. The next closest store has a constant 10% off and theyre doing quite healthily.
Nah, online retailers arent killing LGS'. Bad customer service will. An inability to adapt to changing needs will. Charging people ten bucks at the door to use their tables for the rest of the night will probly too. Online businesses have fewer things to screw up so they appear more stable- but if thats really where the money was youd be seeing more and more of them, not a small dozen of viable retailers.
GW is an appalling company. it is far too overpriced now. I remember the slogan 'for gamers by gamers'..... now all they want is to squeeze every penny out of us. i used to love going into the store to buy new minis and have a yarn with fellow gamers and the fanatic shop employees but now if i buy anything it is usually through some sort of discounted source. more discounts the better. admittedly they are exceptionally high quality but the recent resin changeover has yielded flaws for me. it was the same as buying the overpriced forgeworld products, the resin components are usually poorly formed and they will not accept returns for better quality items. i emailed the repeatedly to receive not one reply. overpriced, shoddy customer services and poor QC... that is the words that sum up this once great company and its subsidiary's
Dicebucket sent me the wrong mini and tried to make me buy it or send it back (at greater cost than the item sent) before they will send me the right one. Then finally said they will complete my order but never sent it. Avoid
try chaosorc, same discount and cheaper/faster postage + Finecast
I haven't purchased a games workshop model in person in over 6 years. I simply will not buy something that is marked up sometimes almost 30% over what it is in the US simply because I'm in Canada. Our dollar has been on par with the US for almost a decade. There is no excuse or reason for it.
It is easy for you to say LGS are cool because living in the UK you have so many choices and such great prices. I like LGS and will support FLGS to give them a start so the hobby grows. If GW was serious about growing the "hobby" they would put their customers first and profits second. Sure every business needs to make a buck, but they cannot continually dismiss their customer's legitimate concerns. They are pricing themselves out of the market and is it any wonder so many long-time wargamers are changing systems?
I like online retailers, I can buy my miniatures at any time of the day or even from my phone on the bus. Some of them do not have the best service but their prices make up for it because at the end of the day you get so much more.
I used to go into GW stores and thought the service was pretty good. I also met a lot of people and we formed our own gaming club. GW is putting their prices up because people are not staying in the scene for as long as they used to and they want to make as much money from them while they can.
Bring on the price wars! Death to DB & DGS!
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