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That is an awesome piece of terrain!
Amazing, I need that.
sweet piece
Hadn't even been aware of Quantum Gothic until now. Thanks for the heads up.
I totally want one. Their stuff has been on my wishlist for years (that whole price tag/shipping thing has been holding me back...).
That's cool, new for armies on parade.
That is an awesome terrain manufacturer. If I ever find the time to somehow finish and army and assemble all the unopened kits in my workshop I plan to buy a lot of their stuff
He does some beautiful work. Wouldn't mind bolstering my Fists with some of his bunkers/turrets :)
I love the work these folks do.scifi enough for "other" games and gothic and archaic looking for 40k... do more stuff!
I've always loved Quantum Gothic's terrain, so I'll take a crack at winning the radar dish!
Smells Like Wargaming
Beautiful terrain piece.
And there will be more each week!
Good to see QG getting some more widestream attention - they (he?) make(s) phenomenal pieces, for sure!
Awesome piece, I'll post for that.
Count me in, I'd love a piece of that.
I know exactly ehre to put that :)
Well I say QG is a great company and I would LOVE to have a free piece of their terrain. Count me in.
That comm station looks like it's from a hive world of some sort.
Steampunkish as well, how not to love it?
I would love to be able to own that communication array. It would make for a great Apocalypse objective.
very cool
Me, me me!
yay effort.
I've been a big fan of Gothic for a while. I'm in a similar boat that the lack of easy access to those items compared to others has been a preventative factor in acquiring some of their goods. I'd love to see a US distribution and see some of their products carried in stores or something like CoolMiniOrNot.com.
Great looking model, wonder if I could use for a Damocles conversion?
I need to upgrade my communications suite.
Always wanted a closer look at their stuff and now this is a good chance to get a free one.
The Comms array is amazing, and with very detail...
Thanks for pointing me towards another great manufacturer. Definitely going to order some stuff.
I definitely need a this piece and much more of their stuff to make a table for our 40kegger tournament!
Their stuff is a little pricey but it looks really nice. I'd like to see their watch tower get given away O.o
quite a good show, jolly good.
Me too
That's absolutely amazing. It's just perfect.
Also for some reason on my side, there's no follow button, and I don't remember following you in the past, but what can ya do?
That could come in very handy.
1/40 odds. I might win! :D
In that case, posting something as well would (in somesort of mathematical way) decrease my odds, but thanks to Spock's logic, I'm posting anyway...
Hehe. Well no. since not posting would make your odds 0/40. Now youve improved it to 1/41, so definitely worth it from your perspective. it just makes the odds less for the rest of us. but also increases the excitement! :-)
Awesome piece of scenery. Would love to win that! :D
Yea nice looking dish...
nice piece of terrain - my tyranids want to crawl all over it...
Yep, gonna need that.
Awesome terrain!
Never have heard of them before...but now looking at their stuff...gonna have to pick some up...
I keep meaning to order some of their stuff...I really should!
Yo, I is post, I hope this make do
This would be an awesome addition to the terrain on my table!
Alot of post here, still better odds then the lotto count me in!
Love it and it will plan on doing Christmas shopping with them in the future.
Looks awsome
Been admiring QG terrain for a while. Would be nice to win.
I love this, it's gorgeous!!
I have seen QG a long time ago but nowthey have way more stuff
I was here
this people improve in every model they release!!! this dish onto their bunker make an incredible comms/command bunker!!!!! they really are the best escenery makers!!!!
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