Forge World to Release Horus Heresy Rulebook
0 Comments - 31 Oct 2017
  The Horus Heresy gets a rulebook! From Forge World:   Get ready to return to the 31st Millennium with the new Horus Heresy Age of Darkness Rulebook, available to pre-order this Friday. This book is your guide to gaming in the Age of Darkness; this valuable resource is for both experienced Praetors who’ve been playing sin...

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Something Cool on eBay - Oct. 1st
0 Comments - 01 Oct 2017
What's cool on eBay this week? Well, this set of dice and objective markers!  The lot also includes the massive munitorium dice set. Have at it!Loken ...

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Monday, September 30, 2013

Apocalypse Top 10 for August

Forge World posted their top 10 sellers for August. 

Jim Wappel's Storm Eagle

If you don't know Jim Wappel, he is one of the top painters in the country and a super nice guy.   And while everything he t

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lorgar has Arrived! (And a Horus Tease)

Games Day UK has come and gone and a lot of interesting things are coming out!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Forge World Castellum Stronghold & Iron Hands Squad

From Forge World: When the situation calls for a prolonged deployment, Space Marines can rapidly construct modular fortified structu

Games Workshop Retail Store Changes

Games Workshop is making changes to their retail stores. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Passing the Baton

Loken here.  As Nykona mentioned two days ago, I have turned this blog over to him.  While I may write an article here o

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Forge World Releases Fire Raptor, Vindicator, Night Lords

The Fire Raptor is here (and some other stuff).  The ground attack version of the Storm Eagle is nasty and expensive!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sisters Getting Codex

Well, there is little doubt now.  The latest White Dwarf image has the Sisters getting a new Codex, though one assumes, a digital

Forge World New Releases - Kakophoni and Ashen Circle

Nykona here.  I am taking over for Loken on Apocalypse40K.  And hopefully, keeping you all entertained as well. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Winter is Coming

Daxxglaxx over at "But We Walk Alone in Fear" has put together these great Game of Thrones style 40K Legion Banners.

Forge World New Releases - Sons of Horus Accessories

The Sons of Horus get their due with three different upgrades from Forge World, Mk IV heads, torsos and shoulder pads.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Updated Release Schedule - Someone is wrong!

Seems like the rumor mill is getting it wrong more and more all the time. 40K Radio posted a release schedule on their Facebook page a

Ferrus Manus Released by Forgeworld (Video)

WOW!  Talk about making Ferrus Manus cool.  Simon Egan totally nailed the sculpt (as he always does) and this is the perfec

The Power Gamer Gets Gamed

My newphew posted this to my Facebook wall.  I have to say it made me laugh out loud as I HATE powergamers.  I hate the w

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Imperial Guard Rumors

Imperial Guard are coming next year, and here is what we may well see.  Larry at BoLS has posted these on the BoLS Forum

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Erebus & Kor Phaeron Pics and Video!

Forge World has released photos and a great video with the sculptor who designed both Erebus and Kor Phaeron.  Even though I am a

Monday, September 16, 2013

Warzone: Damnos - Ultramarines Review

So are the Ultramarines getting all the cool toys?   Eyjio, one of the Apocalypse40K regulars thinks so.  He certainl

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Siegeworld - Lesson's From the Front

There is a reason it is called "Floorhammer's Greatest Game".  It is the biggest 40K Apocalypse game played on the FLOOR.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

GW offers ENTIRE Space Marine Chapter for $ 11,690!

Well, Games Workshop has done it now, they are offering a COMPLETE Space Marine Chapter.  And all for only $ 11,690. 

Forge World "Massacre" Video and New Accessories.

The new "Massacre" video from Forge World is out.  It features over 4 minutes of writer Alan Bligh (a great chap BTW) talking abo

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Horus Heresy Betrayal Weekend: USA

Well, it isn't an official Games Workshop event, but The Horus Heresy Forum has decided to hold a Betrayal Weekend event like Warhamme

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Forge World New Tau Riptide Variant

Forge World has released the first Riptide variant, and it will be available for the first time at Games Day UK.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Kudos to Games Workshop Corporate

Yeah, you don't expect me to say that do you?  Well, I try and be fair as well as critical, and GW actually deserves some credit.&

The Horus Heresy - Massacre

Forge World has announced the release of The Horus Heresy Book Two: Massacre at Games Day UK September 29th.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Forge World New Releases - Emperors Children, Iron Hands

Forge World has knocked it out of the park with the new Emperor's Children Phoenix Terminators.  Plus the Iron Hands get a Contem

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Online Discounters - Pro vs. Con

My last article on Dicebucket was the catalyst for a good discussion on online discounting.  (and some moronic trolls but we sen

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Release Schedule Rumors - White Dwarf Review

What's coming up the rest of this year and next?  Well the rumors are flowing and here is a summary.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Apocalypse War Zone: Damnos

Well, the first of the Apocalypse War Zone books is being released this weekend and it looks to be a nice addition to Apocalypse.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dicebucket closes down!

Well, it looks like DiceBucket FINALLY got shut down by Games Workshop.  They have violated GW rules by having an online shopping

Sunday, September 1, 2013

New Tactical Box: New Custom Combi-Weapon

Having a closer look at the new Tactical Marines box, there's a new surprise for us. It features a new customizable Combi-Weapon.

Horus Heresy Book 2: Massacre.

Book II in Forge World's Horus Heresy series, Massacre, will be released next month at Games Day UK.


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