Thursday, May 1, 2014

More New 7th Edition Info

Even more news flowing out of Lords of War Gaming. It's not gospel, but then again, they've been right so far. Here's what else has shown up:

"A new Realm of Battle board will be released with 7th edition. This board will have a "40k/City" theme and will be 6' x 4' with a travel bag like the current Realm of Battle Board."

"[Lords of War Gaming] is calling BS on the whole "percentages" for your forces in 40K."

"The next 40k army after Orks will be Space Wolves. Stay tuned for more information on Orks and Space Wolf releases."

How about that? A Realm of Battle board that's directed at us. It'll have some hard competition from folks like Frontling Gaming, but that's still a way better option (cost-wise) than the Forge World tiles.

Yet again, more wish-listing. As useful as percentages may or may not be, it seems like we're not ready to make that jump yet.

Orks and Space Wolves are on deck. I wonder what changes we'll see. Orks could use a fresh, fun codex. Wolves are still pretty solid, but could use a little flavor of the new edition(s).

Son of Dorn


  1. I don't know about hard competition... the mega mat is cool and all, but my favorite part about any hobby based game is the terrain. While the Mega Mat is a cheap, durable, and ready to play option, it has no customization other than what's going onto the mat, for some people that's actually a bonus because they don't want to tackle the intimidating task of painting 4ft x 6ft of textured gaming surface, but I relish the task and can't wait to fire up the compressor, dust off the dry brushes, and really get down and dirty in painting every detail on the surface.

    I've always liked the current GW Realm of Battle board but it's always felt more appropriate for WFB than 40k or even LoTR/Hobbit (because Khorne totally had skull pits in middle earth)

    But the though of a modular city table is pretty exciting, I almost broke down and bought the Forgeworld tiles until this rumor started... every GW I've been in so far has drastically reduced their in store terrain options and made a lot of room, which means if or when this board does happen, there's going to be a whole new line of terrain to go with it too.

    Granted that's just my speculation, but I don't think GW's going to have hard competition from this one, if they do this RoBB as well as FW did theirs... it'll be a sell out.

    We'll see.

  2. Certainly a fair point. The appeal of the mega mat to me is the price and durability. Building boards has a certain appeal but I would prefer to just roll a mat out throw terrain on it and rock n roll :)
