A new Forge World Collectors Edition is out!
And it is quite beautiful.
From Forge World:
This Limited Edition Collection contains The Horus Heresy
Book Three – Extermination, the Special Edition Legiones Astartes
Crusade Army List (with exclusive cover), the Special Edition Legiones
Astartes Isstvan Campaign Legions (with exclusive cover) and the
exclusive The Horus Heresy Illuminations - The Art of the Isstvan
Trilogy. All of these products are presented within a unique slip case,
which also has room to fit within it the first two Horus Heresy books
(sold separately).
The Horus Heresy Book Three – Extermination
This book details the aftermath of the Isstvan V Dropsite Massacre, and
two other major battles: the Battle of Phall and Paramar. Also featured
are the background and rules for the four Legions covered in this book:
the Alpha Legion, Imperial Fists, Raven Guard and Iron Warriors, and a
Mechanicum army list, plus new campaigns and vehicles.
This lavishly illustrated, full colour, 285 page hard cover book is leather bound with metal corner clasps and features a red ribbon bookmark and foil edged pages. Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List This contains the collated and updated Legion army list from all three books in the Horus Heresy Isstvan trilogy. Legiones Astartes Isstvan Campaign Legions A leather bound, hard cover, 116 page book with rules for specific units and characters for the twelve Legions presented in the Isstvan trilogy. The Horus Heresy Illuminations - The Art of the Isstvan Trilogy This 48 page book contains our favourite artwork from the Isstvan trilogy, as well as unpublished concept drawings. This soft cover book has its own leather bound slip case and is only available with the Collector's Edition.
This product is available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Thursday 1st May. Please note that any other items that you order with this product will also be despatched from Thursday 1st May.
This lavishly illustrated, full colour, 285 page hard cover book is leather bound with metal corner clasps and features a red ribbon bookmark and foil edged pages. Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List This contains the collated and updated Legion army list from all three books in the Horus Heresy Isstvan trilogy. Legiones Astartes Isstvan Campaign Legions A leather bound, hard cover, 116 page book with rules for specific units and characters for the twelve Legions presented in the Isstvan trilogy. The Horus Heresy Illuminations - The Art of the Isstvan Trilogy This 48 page book contains our favourite artwork from the Isstvan trilogy, as well as unpublished concept drawings. This soft cover book has its own leather bound slip case and is only available with the Collector's Edition.
This product is available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Thursday 1st May. Please note that any other items that you order with this product will also be despatched from Thursday 1st May.
You can buy it here.
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