Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sisters Round Up

The Sisters codex has been digitally released and here are some highlights.
The Sisters got a good buff, with some most excellent wargear. 

Shield of faith gives 6++ and adamantium will now.
No more faith points, acts are one use only and passed on a leadership test.
Priests get war hymns that give some pretty good buffs on a leadership test.
Rhinos up 5 points
Immolators down 5 and multi-melta upgrade is now free
Exorcist down 10 (holy :cuss)
Celestine up to 135 and weapon now gives S+2 AP3, also she gets back up with full rules.
Jacobus up to 100 and banner is worse.
Celestines down to 14 and get furious charge AoF
Command squads get unliimted specials and no longer have to take hospitaler and dialogus, dialogus can take relics.
Repentia down to 14 and get fnp 3+ as AoF
Battle sisters as seen on black library site but AoF now gives preferred enemy
Seraphim special weapons halved in price, AoF gives shred
Dominions get 4 specials in 5 woman squads

Dominions' new act of faith lets them ignore cover instead of twin-linked. 

Warlord Traits:

1 - Executioner: Warlord gains Fear.
2 - Indomitable: Warlord and unit with Shield of Faith have 5+ invulnerable save.
3 - Pure: Warlord and unit reroll failed Deny the Witch
4 - Rage: Warlord gains Rage.
5 - Beacon: All units within 12" of Warlord use her leadership on Acts or Hymn tests.
6 - Orator: Friendlies within 12" gain Stubborn. 

There is no 3 wound priest anymore (apart from Jacobus), just the 1 wound version. Take upto 5 (dont take up a HQ slot) and for each one you may select a battle conclave. They are cheaper than before (almost half their cost from WD) and have the Zealot USR and a rule called War Hymns. When the priest is engagaed in melee he may make a Ld test at the beginning of each Fight sub-phase and habe a special effect take place for that combat,. The effects are re-roll all failed armour and invulnerable saves until the end of the phase, the priest gets Smite or Priest and his unit re-roll failed rolls To Wound.  

Relics are pretty standard, blessed blade is back, S+2 AP3 master crafted,
Cloak lets you reroll failed armour saves and shield of faith saves,
Mantle gives eternal warrior. 
The Exorcist is unchanged
Immolater turret weapons are free

Well, I hope you Sisters players enjoyed the round up.  Now go kill pskyers!


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