Monday, October 28, 2013

Mysteries of the 40K Universe

What are the biggest mysteries of the 40K Universe? 

Larry over at BoLS posted this and it is worth a reprint.  This is exactly what I love about the fluff of 40K.   There are 10,000 years of history and so much has happened.  We don't know everything, and we don't have all the answers, and probably never will.  But that is cool, because we get to have great discussions about these mysteries.

If you want to discuss these, join the Heresy30K Forums as there is a discussion going on there.

So here they are.  Questions without answers...maybe.   

10) What is the Harlequin's "horrific plan" to save the Eldar race?

9) Who is the "giant of a man, clad in baroque power armor" in Trazyn the Infinite's gallery?

8) Just who did Guilliman kill on Eskrador?

7) What happened to the Old Ones?

6) Who or what "pushed" the Tau from savages to high tech in mere centuries?

5) What became of the loyal Thousand Sons fleet and Legionaries who fled Prospero before Leman Russ struck?

4) Who are the Watchers in the Dark?

3) Who was Malcador really?

2) Why is Cypher trying to reach the Emperor?

1) Last but not Least - Just who are those two missing primarchs?

These are great questions and make the fluff interesting and compelling.  What do you think?



  1. Not signing up to BoLS so I'm answering here. What Happened To The Old Ones?
    Acended to a higher plane of existance becoming almost god like in power and then in turn where mostly destroyed by the birth ovf Slannesh.
    Power behind the Tau?
    Either a Necron Pharon looking to become flesh again and wanting a powerful advanced race.
    Who really was Malcador?
    Malcador from my point of view is a gene enhanced above baseline human with a mind that was made to allow The Emperor to ride out into the Universe as He was already Enthroned on the Golden Throne before the Crusade even started.
    And the 2 Missing Primarchs?
    Their genetic code was unstable and the marines weren't viable, so rather than admit He'd made a mistake The Emperor had them Redacted.

  2. 5) They became the Blood Ravens. Strongly suggested in one of the HH short stories.

  3. The group behind the Mysterious appearance of the Tau Ethereals? If you have ever read the book Xenology, that makes it seem like it was the Eldar. The Eldar found that the Tau had a very small imprint in the warp so they are not as susceptible to the chaos powers as the other races but they where backwards and fighting among them selves so they engineered the Ethereals(xenology hints as to how the etherals control the other castes) to help guide and control the Tau for the coming War against chaos. At least thats whats hinted at in the book Xenology.

    Didn't the Old ones flee the Universe after losing to the Necrons and C-tan long before the fall of the Eldar.

  4. Hudson's assertion is further supported by the Blood Ravens fluff. They have a high concentration of psykers and on occasion the chapter master is one (as with Kyras).

    A large theme in the DOW 2 series is also the secrets that Thule uncovers after Kronus which he refuses to share even with his brothers.

  5. The missing primarchs were always left open so we could invent our own chapters and primarchs.

    An alternative suggestion is that one was Nagash, the other Sigmar.

    The Old Ones were/are the Slaan, the lords of the Lizardmen. Why they regressed is unknown.

    Of the primarchs I forget exactly which remain alive but it could be Russ or Jaghatai Khan. Unremembered Empire makes a reference to Vulkan's casket being one of the relics to be found.

  6. I think with the time of legends series, that the idea of either Sigmar or Nagash being primarchs is pretty much DOA.

  7. I would wager a guess that the "giant of a man, clad in baroque power armor" in Trazyn the Infinite's gallery is a primarch, one of the not dead but missing ones. So off the top of my head, either Vulkun or Leman Russ

  8. What if the dude in Trazyn's gallery is Horus? I mean it would make the most sense in terms of significance.

  9. The First Heretic makes really strong allusions to the fact that the two lost Primarchs and their legions were purged by the other legiones astartes and the emperor (and some of the primarchs) in the early stages of the great crusade. Most likely to genetic of philosophical deviancy as Lorgar is warned about going the same way.

    I reckon Trazyn's primarch is most likely Vulkan.

    I like the idea Guilleman kille done of them, but another still roams the galaxy or even better it was jsut one of the 'praetors'.

  10. When in doubt, the C'tan or Necrons are usually responsible the much of everything. If they cared enough they could destroy Terra pretty easily they just don't really.
