Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sentinels of Terra Rules!

New rules are in from the Sentinels of Terra supplement!

From 40K Radio on Facebook.

Warlord Traits table

1. Siege Lord: Your Warlord, and his unit add a +1 to the result when rolling on the Building Damage Table.
2. Tenacious Opponent: Your Warlord has the It will not Die special rule.
3. Wise Commander: Whilst your Warlord is alive, you can choose to add or subtract one from any of your Reserve Rolls(state which before the dice is rolled)
4. Indomitable: If your warlord and his unit do not move in their Movement phase, then he and his unit has Fearless and Counter-attack special rules until the start of their next turn.
5. Architect of War: Whilst your Warlord is embarked inside a building, all damage rolls against that building suffer a -1 penalty, to a minimum of 1.
6. Fleet Commander: Once per game, your Warlord can call down an orbital strike in his Shooting phase. This counts as firing a ranged weapon with the profile below. Range: Infinite, S: 10, AP: 1, Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Orbital. Orbital: If an arrow is rolled on the scatter dice, the blast marker scatters the full 2D6" - the Warlord's Ballistic Kill makes no difference.

* If Lysander is your Warlord,then he has Champion of Humanity Warlord trait(see Codex: Space Marines)
*If another Model is your Warlord from the Sentinels of Terra detachment is your Warlord, you can either roll on the Warlord Traits table in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, or roll on the the table below.


1) Eye of Hipnoth? (transcribing from mp3), 15pts. Like an auspex (reduces a units cover by 1), but 18" range. If used against a building its AV is reduced by 1. The unit can still shoot a different target. 2) Angel of Sacrifice, 10pts. An upgrade for a chaplain's crozius. Same specs, but if he is killed in overwatch or in combat before his initiative step he isn't removed until the end of the combat, so still gets to make his attacks and buff the unit. 3) The Bones of Ausract? 25pts. Libby only. Gives extra warp charge and can reroll failed psychic tests. 4) The Banner of Stangundah? 25pts. Can be taken by anyone which can take a company standard. Gives counter attack and crusader USR. Units with same CT within 12" reroll failed morale and pinning tests. 5) Spartean, 5pts. Bolt pistol with ignores cover, master crafted.

Garadon is 75pts, upgrades a Tac squad sgt. Captain stat line, and his tac squad fill an HQ slot.

Sentinel of Terra Special rule #1   "Close Ranged Bolter Drill".
Close Range Bolter Drill: Models with this rule re-roll all failed to hit rolls made with bolt pistols, bolt guns, storm bolters, heavy bolters or combi-weapons that are firing as bolt guns when firing at a target up to half the weapon's maximum range away. This rule does not apply to models firing Hellfire, Kraken, Vengeance or Dragonfire rounds.

Sentinel of Terra Special rule #2

Centurion Warsuits:

Centurion Devastator squads can be taken as elites choices as well as heavy support choices in a Sentinels of Terra detachment.

Centurion Assault squads can be taken as fast attack choices as well as elites choices in a Sentinels of Terra detachment.

Sentinels of Terra New Character

Segeant Garadon is equipped with power armor, a power fist, frag grenades, krak grenades and the Spartean(Its a Relic of the 3rd Company). 

You get your yellow on!



  1. Not as ready as me Brother !!!!!!!

  2. *In his best Darth Maul voice*

    At last we shall reveal ourselves. At last we shall have our revenge...

  3. Do the new Sentinel of Terra special rules replace the Imperial Fists chapter tactics? I would hate to lose tank hunters on those shiny elite choice Centurion Devs :(

  4. Nope. 40k Radio confirmed that just bolter drill is altered. You still have tank hunters :)
