Monday, October 21, 2013

Farsight Encalves Supplement Released!

Farsight Supplement is finally out.  And there is a limited edition version that is quite nice.

Of course it will set you back $ 100, but there are enough Tau fans that will scoop this up.  As with the other supplements, this book is quite nice, the regular version selling for $ 49.50.

From Games Workshop:

Limited Edition Farsight Enclaves

With only 500 available worldwide, this edition is presented with a textured hardback cover and features all of the contents of Farsight Enclaves - A Codex: Tau Empire Supplement

This limited Edition is bound in hard back and embellished with Commander Farsight's heraldry upon a gloss varnished hexagonal background. Tau script and an array of textured finishes make this book a striking addition to any Tau collection.

Farsight Enclaves: A Codex Supplement 

The Tau are a new force in the galaxy, optimistic and bright. Yet even they have their dark secrets. When the Warrior hero Farsight conquered the worlds of the Damocles Gulf, he learned forbidden truths that would divide the Tau Empire forever.

This supplement to Codex: Tau Empire allows you to tailor your collection of Tau miniatures into a force from the Farsight Enclaves, armed to the teeth and ready for battle.

Within the 72 pages of this hard back book you will find:

- The history of the Farsight Enclaves, from O'Shovah's first conflicts to the brink of their destruction

- A showcase of beautifully painted miniatures , presenting the colours and insignia of those under Farsight's command

- New missions that recreate Farsight's most famous battles, as well as additional rules to customise your games of Cities of Death and Planetstrike

- A series of narrative missions that enable you to play through O'Shovah's military career, alongside a set of Altar of war missions that showcase the Farsight Enclaves' favoured fighting styles

Farsight Enclaves: A Codex: Tau Empire Supplement is designed to work alongside the rules found in Codex: Tau Empire, which you will need in order to field a Farsight collection on the tabletop.

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