Friday, September 20, 2013

The Power Gamer Gets Gamed

My newphew posted this to my Facebook wall.  I have to say it made me laugh out loud as I HATE powergamers.  I hate the whole tournament scene in general, which is why I love Apocalypse.  So when a power gamer gets snaked, I love it. 

A great story from Imgur by dHamster.

Player 1 (white shirt, henceforth called Wheels) is a Warhammer powergamer. His gimmick is to hold his entire army in reserve. The opponent will be forced to deploy conservatively, since Wheels' side of the field will be empty. At the beginning of his first turn, Wheels will deploy his entire force in a compact "spearhead", then advance and pierce the enemy line at its weakest point.

Player 2 (black shirt, let's call him Shooter) is aware of Wheels' gimmick.

During the normal deployment/setup phase, Shooter places his commander on the field. In Warhammer, two players are supposed to take turns - deploying and counter-deploying until everything is on the field. However, Wheels announces that he's deploying nothing - he'll hold his entire force in reserve (as he planned all along). Shooter places a row of scouts into a single thin skirmish line covering Wheels' entire edge of the table. Scouts can be deployed anywhere, but anti-cheese rules prevent him putting a scout within 30 cm of an opposing unit, but there are no opposing units anywhere on the field and so the rule is moot. Tactically, these scouts are fucked - they have no cover, no support, and they're on open ground. As soon as the opposing cavalry takes the field, these guys will die. The deployment phase ends. It's now Wheels' turn. Shooter informs him that the game is over. Wheels can't actually deploy any of his motorcycles - anti-cheese rules prevent him from placing a reserve unit within 5cm of an enemy model. There isn't a single 5cm gap anywhere on Wheels' edge of the field. Wheels' entire force is doomed to sit uselessly "in reserve" until the game ends, at which point he'll lose automatically because Shooter controls the entire map. The tournament officials declared that Shooter's interpretation of the rules was technically correct and granted him the victory. And now you know why Shooter is smiling while Wheels is poring over a rulebook.

Thanks to my nephew for posting this to my wall.  I hope you all enjoyed it!



  1. hahahahahahahaha........that makes it even better that he's wearing a white scars t-shirt. Fuckin tool bag

    1. Why?
      Was a legit tactic to reserve everything. GW made the rules... You cant claim people for exploiting them. Besides it was not that Strong anyway.

      What the other guy is doing is more of a cheese move. I use that in apoc all the Time to prevent outflanking of my oponent.

      Chees is Part of the game... every game. If you dont like it dont play Games.

  2. good times, thanks for the laugh this morning!

  3. Ah, a good classic. Back from end of 4th edition I believe.

  4. @Seb12,
    You're 'Wheels' aren't you?

  5. HA HA HA

    Good one Oktane.

    And in Apocalypse there are always ways to come on the table. Plus, with multiple irregular tables, it rarely applies.

    And rationalizing cheese and claiming cheese is part of the game is a sad excuse for power gaming. It is a choice if you wish to play the cheese, and if you do, you fine you aren't finding a lot of opponents.

    1. How is it even cheese to hold youre Army in reserv???. Happens in real combat!

      GW changeing the reserv rules made some armys unplayable. Like DW

      Usualy bad players cry cheese becaus they cant play the game.
      Its Not a TT only.
      Sore losers hate!
      Dont Play if youre going to hate. IMO

  6. I've seen it don with Kroot and drones too.

  7. How was he able to reserve his whole army? Doesn't 6th force you to have half your army on the table to start the game?

    Also he'd lose in the first turn since he had no models.

    And yes, this is a brilliant way to beat that kind of list. A guy won an 'Ard Boys regional doing this with Kroot a while back if I remember right.

  8. "Usually bad players cry because they can't play"

    Yeah, that is always the bullshit power gamers pull. Makes them feel better when they can put the blame on others.

    That is why I play Apoc so I don't have to play the assholes who have to play the cheesiest lists. The ones who played Space Wolves, then Grey Knights then Daemons. Who only care about winning and not having fun.

    People don't like playing power gamers because they want to have fun. Of course, if you are a power gamer, no one tells you this, but they all talk about what an asshole you are behind your back.

    But whatever helps you sleep at night.

    1. Yeah thats why youre calling the A- Word

      One can be a ..... In apoc if he brings enough titans with D-weapons. Matter of money. Sure you can refuse playing. But that doesn't make you the better Player.
      Better lern to counter cheese. And Not complain about people that use the rules, instead of some Moral Code that does not exist.
      If youre just going to play fluffbunny you might as well determin who wins before the game.

  9. Probably a stupid question, but isn't 'deploying' where you stop? Couldn't he turbo boost on?

    I'd also like to say that I play Daemons - not because they're cheesy, but because the models are gorgeous and they're 'different'. Are they obnoxious in 6th? Yes. I'm still going to keep playing them though - alongside Dark Eldar (same reasons, gorgeous models, great fluff), Guard - tanks, what more need be said? and my first ever army, Blood Angels.

    I play because of fluff and great models. I play fluffy armies. I still do OK and no, I'm not a tournament player.

    The white scars player should have said "Fantastic! I've learned something!" and shook hands, conceded the game and left it at that. I feel a bit sad for anyone who uses 40K as an extension of a fragile ego.

  10. Pegboard:

    1) No, you cannot pass within 1" of an enemy model.

    2) Good for you! I love fluff players! And you are the kind of Daemon player (or Space Wolf or Grey Knight) I applaud. You don't play it BECAUSE They are powerful, you play it because you love them. I have played vanilla marines since 98. And IG for the last 5 years. Good codex or bad, those are my armies.

    3) I agree, too many power gamers are making up for insecurities elsewhere. I game to have fun. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. Sometimes I win too easy and I feel REALLY bad. I hate winning that way. I would rather lose on the last roll of the last die!

  11. just wee'd a little while reading this i play SW, CSM and now dark eldar not to power game but to have fun with the fluff i even field ragnar with blood claws in a drop pod i love peoples faces when they see them and think WTF blood claws? and they smash face with about 40 attacks on the charge, fluff armies all the way
    El Reevo

  12. Well, maybe you dont have a moral code, but some of us arent worried about cheese nd winning at all costs.

    I have more Titans than almost anyone in Southern California. I almost never use them. In fact last time I gave 1/2 to the other side and gave them first turn just so they could destroy our Warlord, which they did. Made for fun. But I guess that isn't something power gamers are worried about. Beating your opponent is what you care about.

    You can use cheese and rationalize your behavior, or you can be fair and have fun.

    And fluff isnt a bad thing as you claim. But I wont try and explain that to you.

    1. How is cheese Not fair?
      Anybody can buy any Army and use any tactic.

      If i play the weak units and just lose every game thats Not funny.

      If i play like you say i dont have to use tactics or think about my move or Lists. Its like playing with Kids toys. Lets See what numbers the dice roll. Sry but thats Not inteessting enough to keep me playing. Not at how much i spend on a Army money and painting Time wise. I rather do something els.

      I dont unserstand the cheese complains anyway. There is hardly any OP game breaking stuff left since 6th.

  13. I don't see how this happened. White Scars outflank if you take Khan, in the old codex. And this 'null deployment' tactic was used by practically every White Scars player in 5th edition. You can see how broken it was if you look at tournament rankings of WS players in the last edition. i.e. not at all.

    It's not cheese, no more so than assaulting from reserves. It's simply a fact of the game that was allowed in the last edition and isn't any longer.

  14. I play with Orks and my list gets smashed almost every time because its fluffy and doesn't take 3 units of 15 lootas or whatever, i still have a great time, ok, my Trukks hardly every get very far past the first turn and most of my Boyz are shot to bits sloggin up the field, but when it all works out and I charge with 3 units onto the same squad of Space marines and I get to roll 120 dice, its worth it!

    Not being competitive can be great fun, mostly when you play with other people who aren't competitive, "power gamers" will always try and make excuses, that fluffy armies can never win so its not fun, but they're always assuming that every other player is going to be taking the most point efficient and competitive lists. If all power gamers decided to play fluffy armies, everyone would have more fun.

  15. Come on now. This is another band wagon post. You can do better than this. Wheels "tactic" cough cough.. was legit. so was shooters. Although it doesn't make for much of a game.
    Lining a board edge like that should have been expected. I miss leaving more then half my army in reserve. I think only Space marines can do that now. Kind of lame. But it is what it is.
    Honestly Blocking a deployment zone is way cheesyer then the big scary leave his army in reserve.

  16. This is from 4th edition (when it was you go, i go unit by unit deployment). this still worked in 5th, but not anymore.

    so, this is a very very old story.

  17. The story was pretty funny, but that picture is hilarious!

  18. cant do this anymore...

    If you dont have any models on the board, the other side autonatically wins the game.
