Thursday, September 19, 2013

Imperial Guard Rumors

Imperial Guard are coming next year, and here is what we may well see.  Larry at BoLS has posted these on the BoLS Forum

A LOT of rumors have been coming into question lately.   And the guys over at Warseer have been calling BS on a lot of rumors being posted on certain blogs.   We are also seeing an increasing number of "sources" for these rumors.  How many people are really getting the inside dirt. What is true and what is speculation?

Well, over at Bell of Lost Souls, Larry has decided to start rating rumors based on their trustworthiness.  Good for Larry.

From BoLS:

These rumors come to us in multiple sets, and we have ordered them from most trustworthy to least based on a variety of "truthifying methods":
The Probable stuff:
IG Veterans/Stormtroopers (plastic 5-man box)
Artillery combo-kit
Roughriders (new plastic box)

The Possible stuff:
IG Regiment Doctrines: Each Regiment (Cadian, Catachan, etc...)has doctrines, similar to SM Chapter tactics. Examples listed were:
Cadians - may issue 2 orders to a unit
Catachans - Move-thru-cover, and Jungle Fighter (???)

Thunderbolt flyer: Very heavy armor, but cannot jink.

The Salt-mine
Imperial Robots - 2 new robots, requiring an Admech handler/enginseer.

Knight Paladin - Taller than riptide, not as tall as Wraithknight. Vanquisher cannon and Uber-chainsword are standard load out. May upgrade to Punisher Cannon, Uber-Fist with Inferno Flamers 

I like the way Larry has rated this stuff.  And ultimately, I don't want to hear a constant, daily flow of questionable information.  Larry has been very careful about what he posts in the BoLS Lounge.  I prefer to be a news site, not a rumor mill.  And I know Larry feels the same way.



  1. Meh.... They will never redo vets in plastic... Wont sell! Same for roughriders. People either have them or use alternativ models. Even plastic ogryns would sell better. Maybe with cc options :)

    I would bet on new Flyer/ vendetta Kit
    Hydra & steellegion Kits as mentioned in other more reliable rumors.

  2. I Don't know about a new Hydra Kit. FW already makes one and they don't typically cross over. I guess the few exceptions they have had have been for IG... with the Baneblade kits and the Leman Russ variant turrets.

  3. Except that the Hydra is actually an entry in the codex, most Forge world models don't have entries specifically for that model (excluding counts as or a different variation and stuff)in a G@ codex.

    I see getting a hydra kit, an artillery tank kit for the Basilisk, Medusa and something else, and some new plastic vets. Maybe a clam-pack with something like a tech priest or idk what.

  4. well, stormtroopers used to come in plastic ;)

    the 4th edition version of jungle fighters:
    --can see 12" though forest (instead of 6", not relevant now)
    --can move full speed through forest (move through cover)
    --4+ cover in forest (stealth (forest))
    --may infiltrate when they deploy in forests (infiltrate)
    --can take heavy flamer instead of a heavy weapon team (+15 points)
    --no lascannons
    --6+ armor

    I'd guess the new version would be stealth (forest), move through cover, infiltrate.

    they do like to recycle old rules (though sometimes with new interpretations). all the 4e stuff has popped up either in 5e (like the grenadier upgrade option) or FW (iron discipline (krieg), drop troops (elysians), etc.

    that said, this looks like obvious wishlisting. robots were pretty bleh in RT and FW is already making replacements for ad-mech, which is probably where they'll stay. does IG really need something between a sentinel and a dreadnought?
