Thursday, May 16, 2013

Horus Heresy: Betrayal FAQ

The first Horus Heresy book "Betrayal" has gotten an FAQ and you can find it here.

If you are building a Horus Heresy Legion, time to download this FAQ.  Most items are fine tuning, and there are even some great designer notes.  

However, I wish they had done a better job with proof reading before they published this.   Couldn't they bring in an entirely new team to proof read the work and make the book close to perfect before they printed the $ 100 book?

Now Alan Bligh also says that a lot of the points of the FAQ is feedback from customers, so I love hearing that.

Still love the work and the commitment of the Forge World team and a great job as always!



  1. Yeah I keep thinking I should just send them an email with my CV entitled proof reader and see where I get from there....

  2. Goodbye prescience + moritat combo, we hardly knew ye. Was the onlything I ever saw that could reliably evaporate TH/SS squads, but then again its probably a good thing they took that out of the game!
