Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Vindicaire Assassin as Anti-Armour


This article was just too good not to reprint.  Make sure you check out for more great analytical articles.
From WarHamSandwich:

A long long time ago, a gentleman called ‘JohnnyCache’ asked:
“I would like to see a breakdown of my likelihood of stopping a vehicle with the 4d6 turbo-penetrator round from the vindicare covered in your excellent mathblog, because I am looking at it and it looks like (assuming he hits the vehicle) he will glance-or-better armor value 10 nine times out of ten? And glance-or-better av 14 over half the time?”
I sent him a quick response without writing an article, and didn’t think anymore about it until today, where I realised that I had completely misinterpreted the vindicare’s tank killing capability.  So firstly apologies to JohnnyCache, but better late than never, right?

I’ll frame the discussion with one of my more traditional questions:
How many marines with lascannons would you need to equal the Land Raider killing potential of one vindicare turbo penetrator shot?
The Vindicare has long been one of my favourite models both in terms of looks and rules.  What a badass.  In the current ruleset the Vindicare is BS8, and has a special ammo type called ‘Turbo Penetrator’ that has 4d6 for armour penetration.  When I responded to JohnnyCache, I basically provided the following:

Which basically proved his maths correct, 55% chance of glancing or better on AV14, 90% chance of glance or better on AV10 (assuming you hit).  But it was only today that a few additional details popped into my head.  Number 1, his weapons are marked as ‘Sniper‘, so they get a Strength of 3 to add to that 4d6, giving us the following:

The AV14 penetration result rockets up to over 75%!  But wait, there’s more: ‘Sniper’ weapons are also rending, so any roll of a 6 on penetration gets an additional d3 to penetration – combined with the Str 3 bump we get the following:

As you can see these combine to form a major boost to the previously predicted tank busting power.
Looking back to my setup question, the Vindicare is BS8 (approx 91% chance to hit), penetrates AV14 79% of the time, and the weapon is AP1 so it adds +2 to the damage roll.  End-to-end odds of killing a Land Raider? approx 37%
How many devastators with lascannons does that equate to? Well with BS4, S9, and AP2 you would need 12 lascannon-toting marines to get the same odds of a kill.
In my opinion, for 145 points, he’s a steal.



  1. ap1 adds + 2 to the chart not 1 lol but otherwise your right

  2. If I recall correctly this is from the very end of 5th ed.

  3. I corrected the AP Value, but not sure how this affects the End-to-end odds of killing a Land Raider, which he had at 37%. If anyone can figure it out, let me know!


  4. I love the vindicare!
    +no look out sir! How amazing is that!
    Put her into a ruin that you bolstert with your TechMarine(who functions well as Rad/Psystroke/Blindgranate caddy) and blast away!

  5. The newest entry for the Vindicare Assassin says, "A turbo-penetrator shot has an Armour Penetration of 4D6." Period. It replaces the normal Armour Penetration dice and bonuses with 4D6. This means no bonuses for Rending or Sniper. It will still get +2 to the table from AP1, but the rest does not factor in.

    1. Sorry but no. The latest Grey Knight FAQ states that you get an extra D3 for each dice that comes up a 6. Meaning its still a sniper shot at Str 3, 4D6 rending.

  6. Apologies for missing the FAQ. The FAQ does not say to add the 3, though, just the D3 for each 6. Might be worth re-asking GW.

  7. Add the 3 as well Alan. Its not for us to keep asking GW to keep clarifying rules. Just use them them as they are printed and lets all stop second guessing FAQ's.

  8. I've still seen those bullets bounce of Rhinos.......
