Monday, February 11, 2013

New Apocalypse Rulebook Rumors - Suspect?

Is there a new Apocalypse book coming?  The rumors are out, but they are very questionable.  Why?  Because the rumor says that the new Apoc rulebook will be from Forgeworld.  Now some sites are reporting this rumor, originally sent to Faeit 212, with "Forgeworld" and some report it without.
*New Forgeworld Apocalypse book set for release in June/ July
*Contents Include
-Rules for 6th edition including new point costs
-New formations including flying squadrons
-New Asset Card
-New Scenarios
-Battle Reports

So the question is how legit is this rumor?  We have heard from other sources that a new Apocalypse rulebook is near, so this is no stretch, but will it be relegated to Forgeworld?  That seems unlikely.  We shall see......


1 comment:

  1. Did you see the correction? "Forgeworld" was not in the original rumor. Kind of a big mistake.
