Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New 40K FAQs up.

 The new 40K FAQs are up here.

It seems the most important of the FAQ'd rules is this:

Q: When making a Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds
from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within
range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e.
half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half
are not)?

A: No.

Also for Dark Angels:

Q: How many points is Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus, from the
special edition Dark Vengeance boxed game?

A: xxx points. Seraphicus is an HQ choice in a Dark Angels
army, and a special character. He is an Interrogator-Chaplain
armed with a plasma pistol, as listed in Codex: Dark Angels. He
replaces the Interrogator-Chaplain’s Zealot special rule with his
own Litanies of the Dark Angels special rule.


Page 96 – Ravenwing Command Squad, options.

Change the first bullet point to:

“• One Ravenwing Black Knight may take a banner from the following list:
- Ravenwing Company Banner*...........................................xx pts”
- Revered Standard................................................................xx pts”

- Alternatively, the may take a banner from the Sacred
Standards section of the wargear list.”

Other than that, new tidbits here and there.  Make sure you download the new FAQ for your army.



  1. The plethora of fixes and updates for the new DA codex is ridiculous, as if it was never edited at all. I mean, flat out removal of rules that didn't apply, and the supplement of generic wargear to units is inexcusable for a $50 book.

    Too bad they didn't give the Nephilim a boost somehow.

    1. Oh, and I thought Vector Strike ignoring cover was a huge change to the rules. That Heldrake just keeps getting better and better.

  2. Strike that. Just a clarification on the wording, not a HUGE change. hahaha.

    Yeah. DA needed an odd amount of correction. At least it's ready now though. :)

    And was Vector Strike always AP3?

    1. Yeah, it was always ap3. You could hide in area cover and take that save instead before, but it now ignores cover too.

  3. To me noise marines gets a strong boost with the option to take that heavy sonic weapon (sonic destroyer?) with a no-upgrade squad, and a second one in a 10 men squad.
