Thursday, May 22, 2014

New Space Marine Terminator Captain Revelead.

The new Terminator Captain is revealed!

And new releases in the form of a Space Marine Strike Force and Militarum Tempestus Storm Scions.  All in the new White Dwarf.

Photos courtesy of Millest's Medicore Meanderings.


  1. ok, its $325 for....24 models....which models exactly? What is this? A formation? If so, what does it do? I play ultramarines 1st company, so Id really like to know more about what this is exactly. Thanks!

  2. Supposedly it is 10 Space Marine Terminators
    10 Space marine Assault Terminators
    one Venerable Dreadnought,
    one Stormraven Gunship
    One Land Raider Crusader
    one brand new Space Marine Terminator Captain
