Thursday, April 10, 2014

New Games Workshop Website Up

The new Games Workshop webstore is up.
It looks great, functions well and is a major plus for GW.  Now if their policies would match the smarts of their website.

And we find out that all the ridiculous rumor nonsense being put forth that Forge World would be integrated, was just that...bullshit rumors. 

You can check it out here



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the new site is poor.

    It does not load correctly in Safari. I selected Space Marines under the 40K Armies. It tags that there are 161 items. But no matter how many items you select to view per page, you can only see one item, and therefore only see the number of items equal to the number of pages.

    Eventually gave up and tried on Chrome. Loads fine.

    But then I noticed that the items appear totally random. You can no longer narrow your search to "troops" or "heavy support" and have to troll through entire list to find what you might be looking for.

    They took the old website down for an entire day to replace it with this?

    This looks like a site that has been rushed and not tested thoroughly.

  3. Correction. I see you can refine search by clicking on "troops" or "heavy support", but it is under a different section rather than as the sub-menu from old site. That is poor design as it is not intuitive and reruns to top of list rather than at previous entry.

  4. @ David: It seems coutnerintuitive, but I think that's only because we're so used to GW's old way of doing it. Most shopping search engines I use now also separate them the same way. That being said, it could still use a bit of fine tuning. However, I bet we'll see the small tweaks in changes over the coming months. What everyone should be asking is where did the FAQ's go? ;)

  5. I agree with Dorn. The missing FAQs are a huge pain at the moment. We're running a tourney here in two weeks and its only by luck that one of the guys has them saved. We were waiting until a few days beforehand just in case any new ones came out. More fool us....

  6. It seems like a perfectly reasonable webstore. Of course that is the minimum we should expect. There is no content that you would expect from the manufacturer or publisher though. What is Warhammer 40K? Who are the Space Marines? etc. We all laugh at their descriptions of this type of stuff but to have it just not there anymore is far worse.

  7. Will not get out any FAQ in any foreseeable future. GW support said they have no plans to add them again. Selling faulty products and treat this with arrogance...again.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. BULL CRAP Niraco, I spoke with GW Customer Service today on two topics, 1. FAQ's and 2. their new Web Store Return offer.

    As far as the FAQ's go they said they know, it's only temporary and they will be back very soon.

    And the new Return policy they have is pretty cool, You ordered something from home and were not able to cancel it before it ships, then they give you two options, they will either send you a return package with shipping pre paid or you send them the box back with a receipt of shipping and they will add the cost of shipping YOU paid back onto your card.

    That second part of, If I want to send it, they will reimburse me for shipping, is REALLY above and beyond the expectations I ever had.

    So.. yeah... calling you out dude, you are way wrong.

    Also... who the heck uses Safari, sorry I know that's a personal preference David but my experiences with Chrome have been excellent, though their mobile site is a LITTLE buggy... I put United States as my country of shipping and the prices came up in pounds... but the little flag was the US flag.

  10. Lufgt, only mention Safari as the default browser for Mac, lots of people still use it. I accept that Chrome and Firefox are far superior, but GW should still test website for all of the four most common browsers. I hate to think how it will work on IE.

  11. BTW, if you do use Safari, the text appears horribly and very hard to read. On Chrome it is crystal clear.
