Monday, April 14, 2014

Forge World Bulletin # 12 - Isstvan Limited Edition Sold Out!

Forge World Bulletin # 12 (the former blog) is out.
You can find it here.  Nothing new, just some finely painted models.

Also, the Isstvan Campaign Collectors Edition is sold out.  It sold out the day it was released.  I didn't even get one!  But all the books will be released seperately Forge World has said, so all you are losing out on is the slip case.

I think Forge World is simply more interesting than Games Workshop.  Period.



  1. Agreed. I wonder if that is where all the veteran 40kers have gone. GW caters to the new blood and FW seems to cater to the old? At any rate I love the art work and background in the HH books from Forge World and will continue to snap them up :)

  2. What's the point in a Collector's edition if everyone can then get all the stuff in it anyway? :( I'm not upset that I got a collector's edition, but it does decrease the novelty of it a little in my eyes.

  3. Managed to get mine an hour before the email went out as I'd checked the website at the right time, it'll look great next to my visions ltd ed.

    It's not just the slip case, it's also the art book and the covers of the smaller books that are exclusive to the collectors ed by the way.
