Friday, March 14, 2014

The Big Game IV House Rules

Playing in The Big Game IV?  Well here are some house rules you can use if you want.
Loken here for The Big Game IV.  As always, we have worked on a set of house rules for The Big Game.  You don't have to use these, but we discussed these at length on the Apocalypse40K Forum.  So here for public viewing and application are the trimmed down, revised and santized...

Apocalypse 6th Edition House Rules

1. Only Troops can hold objectives.  For any objective that is not a building or ruins, the troops may be embarked.  For buildings/ruins that are objectives, Troops must be disembarked and inside the building.  The other rules for Controlling Objectives on page 123 still apply.

2. Any unit with a WS that is not a gargantuan Creature or Super Heavy Walker may deny an objective. The other rules Denial Units on page 123 still apply.

3. Little things do not affect big things, meaning special rules of codex forces do not affect Gargantuan Creatures or any model with structure points, such as Tech Priest repairs, Mec Boyz force fields etc.  However, there are some Apoc units/formations that employ “little things”, such as an Ork Kustom Force Field as part of the Dread Mob formation, or the Ork Repair Krew, etc.. and these are the only exceptions.

4. Unlimited range weapons and effects in 40K are limited to 120” in Apocalypse.  Any character ability and/or psychic power that has “unlimited range”, “tabletop”, or other similar description has a range of 36".

5. Any player can only have one of each named character.

6. That named character cannot be part of more than 1 formation.

7. Characters and Allies.  Allies allowed as per 6th Edition.  Player identifies a Primary Force and builds allies accordingly.  If you take allied armies, special rules from one army DO NOT carry over to the other armies. For example, Vulcan He'stan's special rules ONLY affect your codex Space Marines, and not any allied Witchhunters, Demon hunters or non-codex marines (e.g. Blood Angels).

8.  All Superheavy Vehicles and Walkers must begin the game deployed on the table.  Superheavy Flyers and other Superheavies that are not allowed to start on the table are the only exceptions.

9. All vehicles on the table at the start of the game count as having moved prior to the first turn (i.e. Weapon Skill 1).  For jink purposes, all applicable vehicles count as having moved at combat speed.

10.  Superheavy Cover Saves:  Superheavy Walkers, Titans, Leviathans and Gargantuan Creatures may claim a 5+ cover save from buildings or other Superheavy Walkers, so long as the intervening object is large enough to obscure 50% or more of the Superheavy.   Superheavy Ground vehicles (Baneblade-types, Superheavy Grav Tanks, etc….) can claim a 5+ cover save from terrain and other vehicles, so long as they are 50% or more obscured.

11.  Any Strategic Reserves not on the table by the start of Turn 3 are DEAD. (Exceptions are units that have been forced into subsequent turns, such as Deep Strike mishaps).

12. Players entering from Reserves are not affected by any Disruptor Beacon if the Reserves are attempting to enter on one of their own board edges.  Reserves are assumed to have been just behind the front lines and moving up, and thus not easily misdirected.  This ONLY applies to models moving on from your own board edge.

13.  Reserves:  Place Model or Unit along appropriate table edge.  Reserves must be able to enter the table FULLY.  If a player cannot fit a unit/vehicle fully onto the table (because of terrain or enemy models), then it cannot enter play at that particular point.  Once model or unit is on the table, then it may move as normal.

14. Reserves and Assaults- Reserves that come from their own table edge may assault, but Flank Marches and units that appear on any enemy table edge cannot.

15. If a Vortex grenade touches a building/ruins, the building/ruins is removed from play.  Any model in that building/ruins must take an initiative text.  If it fails, it is removed from play (even units that are normally immune to Instant Death).

16. Each player gets one Strategic Asset, plus any asset granted for any formation he fields.

17. The following Assets may NOT be taken:  Jammers, Vital Objective.

18. Tunnels cannot be used with Careful Planning

19. Flank March is limited to one unit of no more than 1,000 points.

20. If you get Flank March as part of a specific formation, then it only applies to that formation, not your whole army.  A Flank Marching unit may NOT use Careful Planning to arrive before Turn 2.

21.  A Land Raider Prometheus allows you to choose one unit to Flank March, and then that unit is limited to 1000 total points in value.

22.  Under no circumstances can Gargantuan Creatures or Super Heavy Vehicles Flank March.

23. The Replacements strategic Asset may only be used on units 500 points or less.

24.  Abilities and other things that apply to your army ONLY apply to your army (i.e. homing beacons cannot be used by your allies, summoning daemons using another players icon, using psychic powers on other allies’ models, etc.)

25.  With regards to ZOOMING FLYERS, disregard the 1” rule as detailed on page 80 of the core rulebook.  However, flyers that are hovering must still abide by the 1” rule.

26.  Necron Lord of Storm ability- when shooting the lightning attack, player rolls 1D6+6 (instead of affecting every unit on the battlefield).  The resulting number is the total number of unengaged enemy units that can be targeted (player can pick anywhere on the table).  Roll a D6 for each unit that is targeted, on a 6, that unit is affected as normal.

Gameplay notes:

-18” No Mans Land instead of 12”. 



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