Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Games Workshop Quits Facebook

What the Hell?

While every major corporation in the world has come to realize that social media is critical to their success, Games Workshop has decided it doesn't need it, closing their Facebook pages.  All these are gone:
The incredible ignorance of GW corporate continues.  That they think this is a positive move is beyond me.  What, do they not want to pay someone to handle this?  Do they think this has no effect on their business?  Do they live in a third world country with no Internet and simply don't realize that social media has changed the world?

They decide they need to hire someone to go around the world and tell them what they need to change, but then they do this.  

I am totally frustrated with these guys.



  1. Replies
    1. Fanboys always flipp at the "no One cares" moves GW does.

      And when GW fcuks with Fans retailers and game Balance they rush in defence.

      Thats what happens when people Listen onesided to the marketing lines and ignore all legitement complains so called "haters" have.

      I think GW is planing there own controlled sozial-network. Killing the Web organised Fans was always their goal. They cant even sue random people without the Web complaining/knowing. ;)

  2. pretty hilarious. Exact opposite direction they should be going. Especially with them scaling back the community in stores, you would think they would be dying for ways to get "free" outreach to build community.

  3. I think we might see the return of GW's hosting their own forums on the main GW site and manage all the access and chatter via our GW login accounts so if anyone trolls they can get banned straight away.

    FB has shown that they do have a community out there but maybe they have decided to manage the community in house.

    If this leads to a better relationship with the clients and makes more use of our login accounts other than to just purchase stuff then so be it, if however this is the end of all social interaction then GW is doomed long term.

  4. Maybe they are refreshing how they want the pages to look / feel? Wasn't there a rumour floating around that FW stuff was going to be merged with the GW website?

  5. @ Krefey - I think your on the right track with this, if they are merging alot of there stuff together (FW, BL and GW) then they wont need seperate sites, just one site for all. Its also not uncommon to stop one activity in order to prepare ffor another, i.e. take down site so that you dont have to worry about them or keep them updated, so you can focus all energies on the new site.

  6. I really fear one site. I like the customer service from FW & BL and dealing with the UK directly. My fear is that with one site orders will filter to a specific site like North America and I have not had great dealings with GW State side. I am also hopeful that this won't change customer service for FW & BL, but some how I can envision the worst...

  7. Maybe they are just sick of having to moderate the constant abuse?

  8. before we all grab our torches and pitchforks let's see what happens as it has been said maybe they are merging their Facebook pages together to simplify things

  9. It's my fault, I asked on Twitter "where's my copy of Macragge's Honour?" :-(

  10. Gw cant take the constructive criticism that people give them on social media thats why they shut it down clearly.
