Friday, February 14, 2014

Imperial Knights Rules!

Imperial Knights are coming and they are bad ass!
And they are supposedly Super-Heavy Walkers.  Here are the stats being reported by Blood of Kittens.   There is also a good conversation on Bell of Lost Souls Lounge.

Knight Paladin: 375 pts
Knight Errant: 370pts
Generic Weapons/Equipment/Stats:
Super-heavy walker
WS:4 BS:4 S:10 I:4 A:3 AV:13/12/12
Chainsword: S: D
Shield: 4+ Invul on one facing you choose in opponent's shooting phase

Knight Paladin:
Cannon: R:72 S:8 AP:3 Ordinance 2 Large blast
Heavy Stubber (x2)

Knight Errant:
Fusion Weapon: R:36 S:9 Large blast, Melta
Heavy Stubber

Escalation continues to be the rage at GW, making games bigger and badder!



  1. OMG so excited. I wasn't in the hobby during Epic's heyday so this let's me indulge in some of that classic awesomeness. Plus, and I'm sure many others are as well, after reading Mechanicum I've wanted one of these guys since. Still my second favorite HH book after A Thousand Sons. Definitely will drop some hard earned cash on a couple of these guys.

  2. one of these models will cost you at least 140 dollars before taxes and to run them you need three to six models.
