Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Imperial Knights - More Tidbits

Lots of information on the Knights hitting the streets!

First, we have a photo of the Imperial Knights Codex!

Courtesy of BoLS

via Horncastle on BoLS
I got the new White Dwarf yesterday (I love my FLGS) Knights of the Imperium is a novella. The companion guide is extended fluff and heraldry, etc.

The Codex is only 64 pages and costs $ 41, less than other codexes, which are 100 pages.

Meanwhile Forge World will be producing Knight weapon kits including:

-Knight Inferno Cannon
-Knight Plasma Cannon
-Knight Power Fist

And a bigger customizing kit for a Chaos Knight!




  1. interested in the Chaos knight addon.

  2. Super interested in the inferno cannon version. That could end up being a VERY fun addition to my Apoc army.
