Friday, February 21, 2014

Dreadclaw Drop Pod Returns to Forge World!

The Dread Claw is back!

And now it not only matches the Charybdis Assault Claw, but is freaking AWESOME!

From Forge World:

The Anvillus pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod is a development of the Legion Drop Pod but, unlike its standard counterpart, it can take off again to move units from battlefield to battlefield or even to extract troops from a planet’s surface. Up until the early days of the Horus Heresy, it was used predominantly by the Sons of Horus Legion to land assault troops. Then, as Mankind’s civil war escalated, its use increased amongst the other Legions when it was found to be one of the most effective ways of deploying Contemptor Dreadnought Talons into the thick of battle.

Towards the end of the Horus Heresy, the use of Dreadclaw Drop Pods became more widespread especially within those Legions who favoured the aggressive nature of its machine spirit. These vehicles were retained in the Traitor Legions’ arsenals as they fled towards the Eye of Terror following their defeat, and can still be seen today at the forefront of many Chaos Space Marine assaults.

The Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod, designed by Phil Stutcinskas, is a complete resin and plastic kit, and is available to pre-order now. This model will be despatched from Friday 28th February.

Full rules for the Anvillus pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod can be found in the forthcoming The Horus Heresy Book Three – Extermination, but until then you can use the rules for the Dreadclaw Drop Pod in The Horus Heresy Book One – Betrayal or the rules for the Chaos Space Marine Dreadclaw in Imperial Armour: Aeronautica.

Go buy 6!



  1. Oh nice! does it really fit on the flight stand like that too? I guess my nightlords will be getting a droppod then.

  2. the old one is better. Fuck you Forgeworld for being retards and breaking the master mould. the original Dreadclaw assault pod had chaos symbols and looked way better. wankers.

  3. i totally agree the old one was amazing
