Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Some New and Interesting Projects

Howdy, readers. I figured I'd take a moment to cover a few great projects I've come across. First up is the KICKSTARTER for Wreck Age by Hyacinth Games. It's a cool new RPG/Skirmish game that's got a Fallout/RAGE post-apocalyptic feel. As I cannot truly convey the need blends of game types and genres that come together in this upcoming symphony of fun, be sure to give them a gander, yourself. :)

Another new project worth having a peek at is the new not-Rhino model that BitsPudlo has just finished. You can find it in their store, here. They already have some great bits to convert it to a Razorback and future plans to support the model with new half-track options. It's a pretty great alternative to every one's favorite workhorse.

And finally, DreamForge-Games, who make some pretty good resin models, are also doing a KICKSTARTER to make their popular Leviathan Crusader model in plastic. It's a popular kit because many folks use it as a Knight Titan or even a Warhound. So go ahead and check it out. Reap the rewards of investment!

Son of Dorn


  1. Three great projects. I'm a backer on both of those kickstarter projects.

  2. For sure! I'd love to see both of them hit their stretch goals :)

  3. Thanks for the kind words fellas.

  4. @ Mark: No problem, man. We're happy to see you've made your goal and curious to see what stretch goals you get to. Keep up the awesome models and awesome work :)
