Sunday, November 3, 2013

Exclusive Ravenguard Black Library Horus Heresy Poster on eBay

A Ravenguard Banner from Black Library is up on eBay.

If you remember many months ago at The Black Library Weekender, The BL team had made 19 banners.  There were 20 different Space Marine Legion posters.  (There were two posters for the Word Bearers - pre & post Heresy, and one for the Luna Wolves and one for the Sons of Horus.)  These are 2M tall (about 6 1/2 ft) and 80cm wide (about 32").  They are printed on a thin vinyl and originaly cost 75£ each, or about $ 114.

Here is the Ravenguard Banner on eBay

Yeah, its mine.  So go bid if you are a son of Corax!

(Tomorrow there is a Thounsand Sons print going up)


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