Sunday, November 17, 2013

Clan Raukaan Supplement Video

The latest GW video is out, this time for the Iron hands Clan Raukaan Supplement.
It went on sale Saturday on pre-release. The video has lots of previews.

Go get it Sons of Medusa!



  1. They have sadly butchered the Iron Hands lore, by taking away the Clan System. They had always been autonomous, having their own veterans and scouts and assault troops etc. They worked individually to the goals set by the Iron Council (Captains/Iron Fathers of each Clan etc).

    Now they are no more than Ultramarines wannabes (follow Codex Astartes), that don't like to use numbers so use old Clan Names to differentiate between companies... oh and they like Bionics...

    Quite disappointed by the supplement as it retcons everything ever written about the Iron Hands.

  2. @Craig when did they change the fluff? and where does it say they are a codex aderant chapter

  3. They changed the fluff with this supplemental. Here is an extracted from the preview version you can download from Black Library:

    "As with all Chapters who adhere to the Codex Astartes, the Iron Hands are organised into ten companies, each composed according to the statutes laid down by Guilliman in his seminal work. Yet where other Chapters simply number these companies one to ten, the clan companies of the Iron Hands instead bear the honorific titles of the ten great clans of Medusa."

    and this is the worst part....

    "To this day the institution of the clans holds true. Though the battlefield roles of the companies remain as defined by the Codex Astartes – veterans forming the 1st Company and Assault Marines the 8th, for example – their identities are bound into their adopted clan name. Any warrior joining a new company will discard his previous clan allegiances, being considered a member of his newly adoptive clan from that day onward until his death or promotion to a new company."

    ... so no more allegiance to your clan. It used to be potential candidates would be taken from many worlds and taken to medusa and dispersed amongst the clans of Medusa. They would then only take the strongest from these clans and they would join their own Clan Legion... now there is no honour or loyalty to the clan which made them so fierce.
