Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Clan Raukaan from Black Library

The Iron Hands supplement "Clan Raukaan" is set to be released.

These supplements are the biggest change in Games Workshop's business model, and continue to show that The Black Library and Forge World are the divisions doing the really interesting work.  They give players a lot more options in how to customize their armies.  Now let's hope GW follows through with corresponding models!

From The Black Library:

Clan Raukaan is the second supplement for Codex: Space Marines, following on from Sentinels of Terra last month. The main focus of the book is the 3rd Company of the Iron Hands, but this is also by far the most comprehensive look at the background of the whole Chapter we’ve made yet, covering their 10,000 year history of battle in the Emperor’s name.

The Iron Hands are famous for two things: their reliance on machines, and the fact their Primarch lost his head in the heat of battle (literally and figuratively).
The new rules in the supplement represent both, with alternate modes of army selection allowing you to call on the armored might of Clan Raukaan, and Warlord Traits that mean your commander either embraces his Primarch’s legacy of battle fury, or has learned from his mistakes, and approaches battle with a cold, murderous logic. There’s also an impressive new arsenal of relics, fit for the champions of Medusa.

One of our favorite parts of the book is the Echoes of War section. These missions allow you to recreate famous battles from Clan Raukaan’s history.
One in particular caught our eye - Ambush on Skarvus – where the Iron Hands take on their ancestral foes: the Emperor’s Children. What’s particularly cool about this mission is how the artwork and photography accompanying it really capture the bitter struggle between these hated foes. 

You’ll be able to pre-order your copy of Clan Raukaan this Saturday, both as an interactive edition for Apple iBooks, and an eBook Edition for your phone, tablet, eReader and computer.

We can only hope that GW will increase the velocity of these releases.  I would buy each and every Space Marine supplement, just for the fluff.



  1. Why pre-order a Digital product?! Are they going to run out of limited digital prints.....then again it is GW.

  2. @ James: GW Digital Editions remarked on that already. They said that while they understand it's somewhat nonsensical, when they don't allow people to pre-order, they receive tons of requests to do so.

  3. I also think to remember that my last advance order over iTunes automatically downloaded at midnight GMT when it became available, so I had the book on my iPad when I got up. Might be a brainfart, but I am pretty sure.
