Thursday, October 3, 2013

Massacre Legion Rules

The rules for Space Marine Legions from "Massacre" have been released.

How long do I have to wait for my Raven Guard?  (OK next book, I know)

via Brother Garrod on BoLS

Iron Hands
Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.
Inviolate Armour - Shooting attacks against models with the Legiones Astartes ( Iron Hands ) special rule reduce their strength by -1
Stand and Fight - Must pass a leadership test to make sweeping advances after winning an assault or to make a run in the shooting phase. May not voluntarily go to ground.
Rigid Tactics - An Iron Hands detatchment may not have more units with the jump infantry , bike or jetbike types than it does the infantry type. Note because of this , certain rites of war are unavailable to Iron Hand armies.

Night Lords
Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.
Talent for Murder - If a unit with the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule outnumber one or more enemy infantry units during any initiative step in which they fight an assault , they gain +1 to wound (bulky models count as 2 models and very bulky count as 3).
Nostraman Blood - All models with this special rule fall back +1" further than normal , if the fail a pinning test , they may elect to fall back instead.
Night Vision 
From the Shadows - All units with this special rule have a 6+ cover save on the first turn of the game. Even in open ground this may be combined with Stealth etc as normal, but other forms of cover which provide a higher save supersede it
Seeds of Dissent - If an army's warlord is slain , each unit in the army with this special rule must take an immediate morale check as if they hailed just suffered 25% casualties from shooting


Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.
Strength of Will - Automatically pass all fear tests and must re-roll a single d6 when morale and pinning tests are failed.
Promethean Gift - All hand flamers , flamers and heavy flamers used by a unit with this special rule count as having +1 strength. In addition, any enemy flamer based attacks used against them are reduced in strength by -1
Nocturne Born - all units with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule do not add their initiative score to any sweeping rolls and reduce their randomly rolled run and charge distances by -1 to a minimum of 1"

Word Bearers

Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.
True Believers - All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule roll 3d6 for all morale tests and pick the two lowest dice.
Cut Them Down - All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule must always make sweeping advances when possible and must re-roll results of a 1.
Charismatic Leadership - Any primary detachment force chosen from the Word Bearers legion must take a second compulsory HQ choice on the force organisation chart ( where a second choice is allowed) this choice must always be either a Centurion or Chaplain consul.

So, any thoughts on what the best army rules are?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Salamanders seems fluff accurate, Night lords seeds of decent rule will get confusing
