Friday, September 20, 2013

Updated Release Schedule - Someone is wrong!

Seems like the rumor mill is getting it wrong more and more all the time. 40K Radio posted a release schedule on their Facebook page and not so subtlety hinted others have been getting it wrong.

From 40K Radio:

Oct: Dark Elves
Nov: Holiday Releases(boxed army type stuff)
Dec: Hobbit
Jan: Tyranids
Feb: Dwarfs
March: IG

40K Radio specifically says that this has been the release schedule all the time and that NOTHING has been "pushed back" as claimed by other blogs.

And everything I have heard corroborates this.  Dark Elves are next and Tyranids are January.

More on this later.



  1. But but but... I want my tyranids now!

    And what is this holiday release?

  2. As long as Imperial guard get some thumping great big guns, I'll be happy.

  3. from what the current member of staff on my local gw store, nids are this year unless theres been a managers meeting in the last 12 hours

  4. Gw store workers don't know much beyond a month out for releases...I know many store managers and fromer store managers very well.
    Black/red/blue shirts based rumors are some of the least trust worthy of all rumors since they regularly admit they don't know squat, and if they say differently other than the ones working at WHW or WoB in Memphis they are flat out lying.

  5. I just want the Inquisition skirmish game/box to be real!
