Saturday, September 14, 2013

GW offers ENTIRE Space Marine Chapter for $ 11,690!

Well, Games Workshop has done it now, they are offering a COMPLETE Space Marine Chapter.  And all for only $ 11,690. 

A pretty good idea, but certainly only something someone very rich can afford.  The collection is huge! 

You can rush out and buy it here.

From Games Workshop:

Astartes Ultra – A Complete Ultramarines Chapter

We proudly present our most ambitious collection ever! Nearly 1,200 Space Marine models representing the Ultramarines as deployed at the Battle of Orar's Sepulchre 888.M41. Marneus Calgar leads his entire chapter against the perfidious Eldar of the Iyanden and Alaitoc Craftworlds.

Every Warhammer 40,000 hobbyist dreams of owning a complete Chapter of Space Marines - this special collection is your chance to achieve that dream in one fell swoop.

This Space Marine Chapter is made up of 1 Veteran Company, 4 Battle Companies, 4 Reserve Companies, and 1 Scout Company, with roughly 100 Space Marines in each. You will also receive all the codex-specified vehicles and support units that go with them. Be sure to have a look through the Company-by-Company photo guide above to see the chapter in all its glory.

We will also contact you personally to arrange a delivery time that is convenient for you, so please ensure that the contact details which accompany your order are accurate and up to date.

Price:  $11,690.00

Alongside the entire Chapter of Space Marines you'll also receive a signed copy of Codex: Space Marines; a signed copy of Insignium Astartes (the definitive guide to the heraldries and squad markings of the Ultramarines); a full Chapter organisation chart; a breakdown of the composition of each of the 10 companies; a signed art print of the Codex: Space Marines book cover; and a signed art print of Paul Dainton's painting of the Ultramarines assembled for battle.

This collection includes 1 box of Marneus Calgar and Honour Guard; 1 Chief Librarian Tigurius; 1 Chaplain Cassius; 1 Space Marine Captain in Terminator Armour; 1 Space Marine Terminator Chaplain; 1 Captain Sicarius; 1 box of Space Marine Masters of the Chapter; 1 Space Marine Captain: Lord Executioner; 1 Space Marine Captain: Master of the Marches; 1 Space Marine Captain: Master of the Rites; 1 Space Marine Captain: Master of Relics; 3 Space Marine Command Squads; 2 Space Marine Librarians; 1 Space Marine Librarian in Terminator Armour; 1 Space  Marine Librarian with staff & book; 1 Space Marine Librarian with Force Sword and Bolt Pistol; 1 Space Marine Librarian with Force Axe and Plasma Pistol; 3 Space Marine Chaplains with Crozius and Power Fist; 3 Space Marine Chaplains with skull helmet; 1 Space Marine Chaplain with Crozius and Bolt Pistol; 1 Space Marine Chaplain with Crozius and Plasma Pistol; 1 Space Marine Chaplain with Jump Pack; 8 Space Marine Terminator Squads; 4 Space Marine Terminator Close Combat Squads; 4 Space Marine Vanguard Veteran Squads; 4 Space Marine Sternguard Veteran Squads; 39 Space Marine Tactical Squads; 47 Space Marine Rhinos; 4 Space Marine Drop Pods; 14 Space Marine Assault Squads; 14 Space Marine Devastator Squads; 12 Space Marine Centurion Devastator Squads; 4 Space Marine Razorbacks; 2 Space Marine Techmarines; 4 Space Marine Thunderfire Cannons; 7 Space Marine Dreadnoughts; 5 Space Marine Ironclad Dreadnoughts; 1 Space Marine Sergeant Chronus; 7 Space Marine Land Raiders; 3 Space Marine Land Raider Crusader/Redeemers; 7 Space Marine Stalker/Hunters; 2 Space Marine Vindicators; 5 Space Marine Predators; 3 Space Marine Whirlwinds; 3 Stormraven Gunships; 7 Space Marine Stormtalon Gunships; 13 Space Marine Bike Squads; 1 Space Marine Bike; 5 Space Marine Attack Bikes; 11 Space Marine Land Speeders; 1 Space Marine Sergeant Telion; 10 boxes of Space Marine Scouts; 4 boxes of Space Marine Scouts with Sniper Rifles; 5 Space Marine Land Speeder Storms; and 6 Space Marine Strikeforces.

This collection contains plastic, resin and metal miniatures. These kits comes supplied unpainted and require assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue, Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints... and you're going to need lots!

Now that is a lot of Space Marines.

And if you buy this, please let me know so I can interview you!



  1. Except in Australia where is is over $5,000 more expensive!

  2. Actually to be fair to them this is probably the best one click bundle they've ever done - you get the copy of codex space marine signed, free signed art prints and other stuff and the delivery is express courier (not surprising given how many trucks it'll take to carry it all). Now, what I would find more interest would actually be the signed codex and art print alongside a company of your choice - whilst still a few hundred points they'd probably sell more, and it'd allow them to for instance offer special companies from other chapters - the definitive Raven Guard Third Company, or Crimson Fists First Company for instance

  3. They sell that with only 12% off

    Retailers dont stock up that much worth of stuff and they get 50%
    Every discounter would give you better deals... Every flgs would at 12.000,-$

    This is just how they think we should collect / buy!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. But...I already have pretty much all of that :(

  6. A nice deal from GW; but not practical for the average gamer (he/ she doesnt have $11000 lying around for models once off buy)

  7. Fun idea, but anybody who's buy it, probably already has most of it.

    What I think is interesting is the math. It works out to be around $10 per miniature. Tanks, troops all of it. 1200 minis for $12000.

    Gives an interesting perspective on the cost of the game
