Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Forge World Releases Fire Raptor, Vindicator, Night Lords

The Fire Raptor is here (and some other stuff).  The ground attack version of the Storm Eagle is nasty and expensive!

My only question is why they removed the missile pods on top?  Still, it looks to mount 4 Twin Linked Heavy Bolters and a twin linked avenger bolt cannon, similar to the one on the avenger strike fighter. S6 ap3 Hvy 7.

From Forgeworld:

The Fire Raptor is a specialized variant of the Storm Eagle known to have its origins in the Imperium’s dim and distant past. The vehicle is configured to maximize ammunition stowage in order to feed the voracious appetite of its numerous weapons and this is achieved by sacrificing the Storm Eagle’s transport capacity.

Designed by Stuart Williamson, the Fire Raptor will be available as a pre-release at Games Day UK in limited quantities.

The Fire Raptor clocks in at £95 or $ 153.  More photos here.

A powerful assault tank, the Vindicator's principal armament is a heavy-calibre demolisher cannon capable of shattering fortifications and breaching the armour plates of tanks with equal ease.

Designed by Phil Stutcinskas, the Deimos Vindicator will be available as a pre-release at Games Day UK in limited quantities.

The Vindicator goes for £48 or $ 77. More photos here.

New Rhino and Land Raider doors for the Night Lords Legion.  They are Horus Heresy specific and not like the Chaos Space Marine versions from 40K.

Land Raider Doors
Mk IIB Land Raider Doors
Rhino Doors
Basically, the Mk IIB doors are the front door from the Land Raider door kit and the side doors from the Rhino kit!  They are £11.50 per set or $ 18.50 US.

There you go.  If your piggy bank isn't broken open by now, it probably better run for cover!



  1. When i talked to the creator at gamesday us, the cannon was a twin linked avenger bolt cannon, similar to the one on the avenger strike fighter. So s6 ap3 hvy 7. Additionally, punisher cannon is generally a guard weapon.

  2. Additionally looks like it has 4 hellstrike missles...definetley a gunship

  3. keep in mind before you adjust it isn't set in stone. GW/FW my pull a switcheroo and make it a hvy 3, twin linked, anti-graviton gun, s2, ap(= to your armor save). Regardless, this snazzy little bird will make it to my collection, if not for my Salamander Legion, but perhaps when it hits mainstream 40k, it will join my Deathwatch Company

  4. Now that is an idea I can get behind
