Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Golden Ticket - The Horus Heresy Weekender

I feel like either Charlie from Willie Wonka, or Steve Martin in The Jerk - "The phonebook is here!  The phone book is here!".

The Horus Heresy Weekender has sold out!  But I got my lucky ticket.  My Horus Heresy Weekender ticket arrived and I couldn't be more fired up.  Wednesday I leave for London and a train ride to Nottingham for this amazing new event.  Yes, a long trip from Los Angeles.  And I am sure I will be jet lagged.  But I have some Ambien to make me sleep and a pile of reading to do on the plane.  Sadly, I am flying coach to London for the first time in years....ugh!  I just couldn't work the miles out for that all-important First Class upgrade!

Now, I am a total Horus Heresy junkie.   I have read every novel (the first four and "A Thousand Sons" twice), and am collecting the hard cover collectors editions as I collect books.  I am building a Raven Guard Legion (well, what's left of it) for my main Heresy army, and I plan to be at the Horus Heresy Gaming weekend in August.

Yes, I am a 30K geek.  And proud of it. 

And I will be blogging from the UK every day with news and info from the event. Here is what is going on:

Now the question is, who among the readers is going to be there next weekend to share a pint at Bugman's with me?



  1. hey can you find the guy running resin forge who apperently is going here to "fill his stock" and honor pre orders and see if he actually is doing it

  2. I hope you have a cracking time, I won't be there, but if you are back in the UK again soon then I'd be happy to give you a game.

    I lo look forward to reading all about it.

  3. A good way and a good weekend! More pics! We look forward to a lot of pictures!

  4. Andy, will you be at the Horus Heresy Gaming Weekend?

    Max - Of course!

  5. Awesome! I had a blast last year, Nottingham is a pretty cool city - looking forward to seeing pics!

  6. As you know i'll be there. Though I won't be popping into Bugmans, I will be travelling up on the Saturday morning and heading home after the event Sunday so all my time, other than sleeping in my own hotel, will be at the Belfry for the event. However we can get a drink at the Belfry instead as there will be plenty of free time away from seminars etc for that.

  7. Sorry, I'm working that weekend. I'll be supporting a client in Spain that weekend! And Loken this weekend is also The Eurovision Song Contest, so you could watch the British get nil pou again!

  8. Warhammer World is a pretty amazing pilgrimage for any nerd!
