Sunday, May 19, 2013

Seminar # 4 - Forge World Horus Heresy Books

Anyone playing Horus Heresy games wants to know when the next Forge World book is coming out and when THEIR favorite Legion gets a book!

Seminar # 4 - The Books

One of the most important seminars of the weekend, the Forge World crew, lead by Alan Bligh, told us everything we really needed to know!

The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre

What's in the book:


     Iron Hands.

     Word Bearers

     Night Lords

Salamanders - Firedrake terminators   Playtester said they were "the most made of win" unit yet.  Pyroclasts - advanced flamer technology

Iron Hands - Cyborg breecher assault squads

Other forces:
     Mechanicum     Legio cybernetica. Allies or full army, background as well.
     Titan Legions    Lesser Known Legio -  Firebrands

Return of:
     Emperors Children
     Works Eaters
     Death Guard
     Sons of Horus.  Additional unit for each in book two.

*  Story for the first part of the battle

*  History of the four new legions
*  Rules for the four new legions plus:
     Special units

*  Rules for new Mechanicum units
*  Scenarios & Campaign System

The Horus Heresy Book Three - Extermination

This book will come out within 6 months of Book Two.  There won't be a big gap between books like between 1 & 2.  

Book Three is the last part of the first Trilogy

Part Two of the Battle of Isstvan V & the Battle of Phall

New Legions:

     Raven Guard
     Iron Warriors
     Alpha Legion
     Imperial Fists


The next trilogy of books


Signus Prime

Thousand Sons
Space Wolves
Legio Custodes
Sisters of Silence
Blood Angels

Well, there you go!  Stay tuned for more!



  1. Thank you for your coverage of the event, Loken.

    Did they say when we could expect to see the second book release?

  2. What's an Iron Hands - Cyborg breeched assault squads? Whatever it is, i want some!

  3. Was there any mention of the Imperial Army at any point? Looking cool otherwise!

    Thanks for the info :)

  4. Shoudl be "Breecher" not "Breeched". No news other than the name!

    No mention of the IG.

    You are welcome!

  5. Dark Angels! Are they leaving the 1st Legion till last? ;P

  6. Well, not any time soon for the First Legion!

  7. Loken, I missed the date for the second HH Book. Awesome I'm just glad to finally see some loyalist Primarch get some attention for this next book.

  8. Hoping to be released around end of September but they absoloutly will not rush it so if it's not ready they won't put it out there.

    Imperial Army will be seen in book 5 (Calth) and will be both loyal and traitor guard.


  9. Any word on a kharn model.... Ever?

  10. White Scars??? :(

  11. Thank you for the informations.

    I am happy to see Sisters of Silence, but what about White Scars ? Imperial Army ?
    First legion ...

  12. I wonder if the trilogy will be sold as a collector's set w/ goodies!?

  13. Loken: Alan Bligh confirmed that the Cyborg Breacher Squads (Medusan Immortals?), were supposed to be Iron Hands who had failed a mission, and were prepared to do anything to redeem themselves in the eyes of their brothers. So basically they are cyborg berserkers with riot shields.

    Also he mentioned a second Iron Hands special unit: Gorgon Terminators (of which the Morlocks were a part).
