Monday, May 13, 2013

Newest Eldar Rumor - Weapons

The latest Eldar rumor centers around the Shuriken weaponry.

From BoLS:

Word has reached us of two divergent schools of though for the latest codex shuriken family, and the jury is still out on which one was ultimately selected. Both are highly divergent from the short-ranged 12" S:4 AP:5 Assault 2 weapon we have now (oh those poor, poor Guardians). Here we go folks:

OPTION A: The Bane of Flesh

Shuriken Pistol 12" S:4 AP5 Pistol, Fleshbane
Shuriken Catapult 18" S:4 AP5 Assault 2, Fleshbane
Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24" S:4 AP:5 Assault 2, Fleshbane
Shuriken Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, Fleshbane
Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, Fleshbane, Poison(4+), Pinning

OPTION B: The Rain of Shuriken

Shuriken Pistol 12" S:4 AP5 Pistol
Shuriken Catapult 18" S:4 AP5 Salvo2/4
Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24" S:4 AP:5 Salvo 2/4
Shuriken Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6
Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24" S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6, Poison(4+), Pinning 

So no definite news, and not even one rumor, but TWO.  What will be the end result?  Consensus is growing that The Bane of Flesh is just too heinous.  We shall have to wait and see!



  1. Fleshbane would be way too overpowered. Wounding that well even at only 18" is simply unfair. As for salvo: that's literally opposite from what they currently have. First, you can't assault after shooting a salvo weapon. Second, besides the no assault fact salvo is flat out bad. 2 shots at 9" or 4 at 18", but only if you don't move? Rubbish.

  2. I agree, both seem terrible, i would rather keep the increased range and give all shuriken weapons rending as Dark Eldar got a powerful army wide weapon special profile with Poison, it would suit the shredding nature of the weapons.

    Not being able to assault after shooting would leave Eldar units standing around in the open in order to shoot or charging units that have not been softened up, neither of which are ideal.

    Then again who uses dedicated assault units in that army anyway? with no assault transport what so ever Banshee's and Scorpions don't see action.

  3. I agree with Gwotaz. Rending would do very nicely, and would feel a little more fluffy too.

  4. ok i take some of that back now i have seen that jetbikers and vehicles will be amazing with salvo :)

    sure infantry will change and will need to be used differently but a vyper will likely have a shuriken cannon included in its base cost and with salvo it will shoot 6 shots by that profile, then for say 10pts more you add a 2nd cannon and you a laying down 12 shots at 24" OUCH!

    time that by three in a squadron and you are really cooking, the scatter laser now has the range on the shuriken cannon but thats it.

    jetbikers with twin-linked cats moving 12" and shooting 4 shots each then zipping back into cover in the assault phase.

    I'm sure some peeps will miss shooting then assaulting but so long as the codex works towards enabling salvo it will work fine.

  5. I agree that salvo would be really nice on all kinds of vehicles however for guardians or avengers the resulting tactics are absolutely not Eldar style as moving and shooting would be the worst thing you can do in most cases. I mean wht is the benefit to move to 9" and than having only halve the number of shots compared to staying at 15" and use all your shots?

  6. guardians and avengers would be great for holding an objective and overwatch fire or maybe jumping out of a transport to lay down 2 shots each then hold the objective with the increased shots the following turn.

    The jetbikes and vehicles would then use speed and dakka to clear the enemy off objectives.

  7. I've never encountered a situation where I said, "Oh man I'm glad I was able to assault that unit," after I shot them up with Dire Avengers or Guardians. Salvo is a good choice, even for the foot troops.

    If the concept behind a Grav Platform carries into Salvo weapons, in that you can move and shoot a weapon on a Grav Platform, then Guardians would be really awesome.

  8. if you really think about it, a regular Guardian or an Avenger unit have no business in assault and an army wide move away from units like this having to throw themselves under a bus just because their guns let them is much better.

    Give them a weapon mechanic that complements the way they are meant to be used and helps them excel at their role then offer them a tactical synergy with other units that are dedicated to combat and supporting fire and you have a working concept.

    I just got interested :)

    i see a blog post of my own taking shape :)

  9. I'm not sure how I feel all the way around. I like more shots, I don't mind the salvo rule, and I certainly can't complain about Fleshbane. But I suppose we'll see.
    What I am confused about (and this is tiny) is the Fleshbane and Poisoned (4+) rule on one of them. Isn't that contradictory? Is it to get rerolls on the wound dice? I'm not sure why those two rules would be stacked...

  10. Well, Dark Eldar got Poison all over the place, but I don't see Fleshbane on all the Shuriken weapons. that's just a bit much. I could believe that the Shred USR could be possible. Makes the weapons good (basically simulates Doom) without completely overshadowing the special rules of their Dark kin.
    I wouldn't be stoked about Salvo on infantry. My vehicles would love it though.

  11. Fleshbane sounds heinous.....but Salvo just sounds....unhappy to me as an Eldar player. I would not be happy with it.

  12. What about...

    Pistol str 3 ap 5 assault 2, rending 12 inch range
    Catapult range 12 str 3 ap 5 assault 3 rending
    Avenger range 18 str 3 ap 5 assault 3 rending
    Cannon range 24 str 5 ap 5 assault 5 rending
    Shrieked add pinning and poisoned 2+
