Friday, May 17, 2013

Horus Heresy Exclusive Posters Revealed!

Two Horus Heresy Weekender Exclusives are being sold at the event this weekend.  One is a set of two posters, sold individually for 25£ (about $38). 

Now they are on nice paper, but still, this is a lot of money for paper prints that are not signed and numbered. I would rather see these numbered in a limited edition at least.

Then we have 20 different Space Marine Legion posters.  (There are two posters for the Word Bearers - pre & post Heresy, and one for the Luna Wolves and one for the Sons of Horus.  These are 2M tall (about 6 1/2 ft) and 80cm wide (about 32").  They are printed on a thing vinyl and cost 75£ each, or about $ 114.  Again, pretty steep, but sure to be a big seller.  Here are all 20 posters!


Stay tuned for more Horus Heresy Weekender updates and join the brand new Horus Heresy Forum.



  1. Sweeeet. That is a little steep, and 2m tall borders on the ridiculous, but darn it - I definitely want one of those Thousand Sons posters. Dropping you an email...

    Can't wait to see more pics!

  2. Wow, really sucks they are exclusive, I would buy those in a heartbeat.

  3. Sorry guys, but these were one of a kind posters, not just exclusive!


  4. Why the particular pick of Mk VI for the Alpha Legion? I understand that someone would have had it, I'm just curious about why they chose to put it on a poster, when the Alpha Legion looks nicest with some silver pauldron trims that Corvus doesn't provide. Any fluff reason?

  5. Thanks for posting these for those who could not make the event Alec!

